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Kingdom of Great Britain
William Gardiner
John Marsh
Hester Thrale
3rd Earl of Hardwicke
Aaron Cox
Abraham Dalby
Agnes Berry
Alexander Ewing
Alexander Gordon
Andrew Carleton
Anne Seymour Damer
Ann Jackson
Ann Law
Barbara Chichester
Bertie Greatheed
Bridget Byng
Bridget Dunn
British nationals at Pisa
Catherine Delaney
Catherine Hutton
Catharine King
Catherine Talbot
Charity School children
Charles Moore
Charles Oakham
Charles Warman
Charlotte Belasyse
Charlton Byam Wollaston
Corry Courtney
Cumbrian peasants
Cumbrian peasants/wedding guests
Daniel Coats
Daniel Nightingale
Drury Lane audience
Dudley Ryder
Edward Harvey
Edward Law
12th Earl of Derby
Edward Williams
Edward Wright
Eleanor Errington
Eleanor Wheeler
Elizabeth (Bessy) Moore
Elizabeth Beaumont
Elizabeth Blackman
Duchess of Devonshire
Elizabeth Fox
Elizabeth Morgan
Elizabeth Poor
Countess of Derby
Elizabeth Sturgess
Countess of Sutherland, Lady Gower
Elizabeth Turner
Countess of Hardwicke
Joseph Hayes
Francis Atoway
Francis Ingram-Seymour-Conway
Francis James Jackson
Francis Moore
4th Earl of Guilford
Francis Sullivan
George Abbott
Prince of Wales
George Hamilton-Gordon
George Hay Drummond
George Keith Elphinstone
George Marshall
Fifth Earl of Dunmore
Duchess of Bedford
Gertrude Savile
Gilbert Thempest
Hannah Butler
First Viscount Sidmouth
2nd Earl Fauconberg
Henry Corner
Henry Courtney
Henry Gibson
Hester Maria ‘Queeney’ Elphinstone, neé Thrale
Ireland Greene
Isabella Stronge
James Cropp
James Frampton
James Hogg
James Nailer
James Smith
Jane Hortell
Jane Mullings
Fifth Viscount Torrington
John Bacon Sawry Morritt
John Bates
John Britton
John Clark
John Courtney
John Crouch
John Dearmore
John Donnoly
John Drew
John Egerton
John Elvar
John Ferquharson
John Harley
John Hudson
John Johnson
John Newbolt
John Osborn
John Penton
John Rickards
6th Duke of Bedford
John Trevor
John Williams
John Yeoman
John York
Joseph Akins
Joseph Craig
Joseph Gray
Joseph Johnson
Joseph Orpwood
Joseph Sisterron
Juliana Ewing
Justice Poulson
Keppel Richard Craven
King George III
Lady Anne Belasyse
Lady Charlotte Campbell
Lady Charlotte Lindsay
Lady Charlotte Stanley
Lady Dysart
Lady Frances Warren
Lady Harriet Tancred
Lady Louisa Berry
Lady Margaret
Lady Strange
Lavinia Frances (Fanny) Calvert
Lord Carteret
Lord W. Russell
Lumley St George Skeffington
Margaret Jones
Margaret Lindsay
Margaret Mercer Elphinstone
Margaret Nelson
Mariana Starke
Martha Riley
Mary Ann Simmons
Mary Anniball
Mary Berry
Countess of Cork and Orrery
Mary Bradley
Mary Curtain
Mary Cut and Come-Again
Mary Foster
Mary Frampton
Mary Godfrey
Mary Paris
Mary Prince
Mary Sinclair
Mary Taylor
Mary Warnett
Miss Chetwynds
Miss Frances Pulteney
Miss Harcourt
Miss Jones
Miss Winford
Mr Freeman
John Law
Mr Litchfield
Mr Lutwych
Mr Mullings
Mr Nicholas Fazakerley
Mr Winford
Mr. Senhouse
Mr. Wilson
Mrs Ann Fazakerley
Mrs Bates
Mrs Boutflower
Mrs Bowes's maid
Mrs Dorrill
Mrs Freel
Mrs Harcourt
Mrs Lutwych
Mrs Perriz
Mrs. Cherry
Maria Revely
New Lanark school children
Nicolson Calvert
Obertus Hamley
Osborne Skinnner
Philippa Godfrey
Pricilla Mahon [Trilcourt]
Duke of Cambridge
Duke of Cumberland, later King of Hanover
Duke of York
Prince Regent
Prince William
Princess of Wales
Princess Elizabeth
Duchess of York
Princess Margaret
Ralph Cutler
Richard Colt Hoare
Richard Murrel
Richard Payne Knight
Richard Snell
Robert Anderson
Robert Armstrong
Robert Berry
Robert Clinton
Robert Copley
Robert Drout
Samuel Dean
Samuel Morris
Lady Lyttelton
Sir Edward Berry
Sir Philip Francis
6th Baronet of Tancred
Sir William Hamilton
Smith Dalton
Lady de Clifford
Lady Dunmore
The Lockes
Thomas Adcock
Thomas Courtney
Thomas Holcroft
Thomas Mayo
Thomas Morgan
Thomas Moss
Thomas Richardson
Thomas Sanderson
Thomas Welch
Two young ladies
Walter Hunniford
Walter Roberts
William Barrett
William Cherry Jnr.
William Cherry
William Cotterell
William Gell
William Humphreys
William Hutton
William Jackson
3rd Baron Lyttelton and 3rd Baron Westcote
William More
William Pain
William Riley
William Rogers
William Shield
William Stewart Rose
William Throckmorton
William Townley
William Wilson
Young Cumbrian peasants and Cumbrian householders
a 'country audience'
a Watchman
a choir of Cumbrian peasant children and their director
a soldier
street children
two or three soldiers
Dame Ethel Mary Smyth
George Frideric Handel
Charles Wesley
Edward Miller