Geistliche Musik

Religious music


musical genre/type

appears in search results as

Religious music

performance of 'unspecifie singing with concertina'

performance of ''Where is now the merry party (Far away)''

performance of 'Plainsong'

performance of 'Church bells'

performance of 'unspecified choral music'

performance of 'unspecified choral music'

performance of 'unspecified choral music'

performance of 'unspecified music in a chapel'

performance of 'music at a religious procession'

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'an anthem'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'charity performance of Handel's Deborah'

performance of 'Psalm'

performance of 'Religious drama with a chorus'

performance of 'Singing at a burial'

performance of 'Singing at a burial'

performance of 'St Matthew Passion'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Music in a religious procession'

performance of 'Performance of Beethoven's Mass in C'

performance of 'Music in a church service'

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'unspecified piano solo'

performance of 'The Heavens Declare'

performance of ''What are these arrayed in white''

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Hymns, psalm tunes and choruses from the great masters'

performance of 'Unspecified Church and Chapel music'

performance of 'A hymn'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'unspecified choir singing'

performance of 'unspecified choir singing'

performance of 'Passion'

performance of 'Te Deum and other music'

performance of 'unspecified violin music-- Chapel'

performance of 'Remembering performances of Handel's Messiah and Theodora'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Anglican service sung in Welsh'

performance of 'unspecified music'

performance of ''Tunes' and choruses'

performance of 'music to accompany a religious procession'

performance of 'an unspecified anthem'

performance of 'Job's Anthem (the whole, or part of, the Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline)'

performance of 'Church concert'

performance of 'music-- Catholic procession'

performance of 'unspecified oratorio'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Dettingen Te Deum'

performance of 'Dettingen Te Deum'

performance of 'Anthems, sung'

performance of 'Ave Maria'

performance of 'Ave Maria'

performance of 'Benediction in cadence'

performance of 'Choral morning prayer at Durham Cathedral'

performance of 'Chorale'

performance of 'Church service at Llangollen'

performance of 'Die Israelisten in der Wüste'

performance of 'Easter anthem'

performance of 'French Protestant hymn'

performance of 'German Requidm'

performance of 'Good Friday service'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'I know that my Redeemer'

performance of 'Mass 'De Trinitate' at the Field of Cloth of Gold'

Mass at the Field of Cloth of Gold (, performance of)

performance of 'Mass at the Field of Cloth of Gold'

performance of 'Music for the festival of the Madonna delle Vigne'

performance of 'O for the wings of a dove'

performance of 'Old Hundredth Paslm'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'Stabat Mater'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Trinity Hymn'

performance of 'Vespers'

performance of 'Welsh dirges'

performance of 'Welsh hymns'

performance of 'Magnificat'

performance of '(hymn or psalm?) tunes and choruses'

performance of 'Music to accompany a service at the Moravian community'

performance of 'unspecified brass band music'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'anonymous music for organ'

performance of 'anonymous organ music'

performance of 'anonymous organ music (, performance of)'

performance of 'anonymous organ music (, performance of)'

performance of 'anonymous organ music (, performance of)'

performance of 'anthem'

performance of 'anthem'

performance of 'Singing in the chapel'

performance of ''old tunes''

performance of 'Mozart's Twelfth Mass'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'remembered anthems and Psalm singing'

performance of 'psalms and choruses'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'choral funeral service'

performance of 'Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'psalm singing'

performance of 'a 'Service of Songs''

performance of 'Nisi Dominus'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'Anglican service'

performance of 'unspecified music in Rome, Italy'

performance of 'unspecified tunes-- Salvation Army Bands'

performance of 'music at a church service'

performance of 'Kyrie eleison'

performance of 'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ'

performance of 'seventeenth century song'

performance of 'singing of a church choir'

performance of 'Church anthems'

performance of 'Church anthems'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'singing at an orphanage'

performance of 'favourite hymns of Baron von Bunsen'

performance of 'Anglican sacred music'

performance of 'Boje, zaria chrani'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'anthem'

performance of 'hymn'

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of ''A Sermon on Miracles''

performance of '78th Psalm'

performance of 'A Selection of pieces by Palestrina'

performance of 'A selection from the 'Messiah''

performance of 'A selection from the 'Messiah''

performance of 'Abide With Me'

performance of 'All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name'

performance of 'All to Christ I Owe'

performance of 'Almost Persuaded'

performance of 'Almost Persuaded'

performance of 'Almost Persuaded'

performance of 'Almost Persuaded'

performance of 'Am I a Soldier of the Cross'

performance of 'Ancient Church Music'

performance of 'Ancient Hymn of the Bohemian Brethren'

performance of 'Ancient Sacred Music'

performance of 'Ancinet German religious music'

performance of 'Anthem based on the 97th Psalm'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthems'

performance of 'Anthems'

performance of 'Are you coming Home to-night?'

performance of 'Bach Passions'

performance of 'Baptist call and response singing'

performance of 'Be thou faithful unto death (Sei getreu bis in den Tod)'

performance of 'Bow down thine ear, O Lord!'

performance of 'Calling Now'

performance of 'Cantata'

performance of 'Cantata'

performance of 'Catholic Mass'

performance of 'Chant'

performance of 'Chants'

performance of 'Choral singing in Exeter Cathedral'

performance of 'Chorales'

performance of 'Choruses from Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'Christ, Thou lamb of God'

performance of 'Christus'

performance of 'Church Music'

performance of 'Church Music'

performance of 'Church organ'

performance of 'Come Holy Ghost'

performance of 'Come Unto Me, and Rest'

performance of 'Come Unto Me'

performance of 'Come ye lofty, come ye lowly'

performance of 'Compositions by Palestrina'

performance of 'Death of Jesus'

performance of 'Depth of Mercy'

performance of 'Dies Irae'

performance of 'Doxology'

performance of 'Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott'

performance of 'Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'English sacred music'

performance of 'Es fangt schon an zu dammern'

performance of 'Even Me'

performance of 'Funeral Hymn'

performance of 'Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild'

performance of 'German Hymn Tunes'

performance of 'Go Bury The Sorrow'

performance of 'Great God! What do I see and hear?'

performance of 'Greek Church Music'

performance of 'Greek-Russian Church Music'

performance of 'Hallelujah from the Messiah'

performance of 'Hallelujah, 'tis Done!'

performance of 'Hallelujah, What a Saviour!'

performance of 'Hallelujah, What a Saviour!'

performance of 'Hallelujah'

performance of 'Here am I, Send Me'

performance of 'His Eye is On the Sparrow'

performance of 'Hold the Fort, for I am coming'

performance of 'Hold the Fort, for I am coming'

performance of 'Hold the Fort, for I am coming'

performance of 'Hold the Fort, for I am coming'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'I am Praying for You'

performance of 'I am Praying for You'

performance of 'I am the Resurrection and the Life, saith the Lord'

performance of 'I heard a voice from Heaven'

performance of 'I know that my Redeemer'

performance of 'I shall not in the grave remain'

performance of 'I will sing of Thy great mercies'

performance of 'In den Auen jener Freuden'

performance of 'In that Day'

performance of 'In that Day'

performance of 'Israel in Egypt'

performance of 'It is Well with My Soul'

performance of 'Jerusalem, du hoch-gebaute Stadt!'

performance of 'Jerusalem, du hoch-gebaute Stadt!'

performance of 'Jerusalem, du hoch-gebaute Stadt!'

performance of 'Jerusalem'

performance of 'Jesus Loves Even Me'

performance of 'Jesus Loves Me'

performance of 'Jesus is Mine!'

performance of 'Jesus of Nazareth passeth by'

performance of 'Jesus of Nazareth passeth by'

performance of 'Jesus of Nazareth passeth by'

performance of 'Jesus, Meine Zuversicht!'

performance of 'Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me!'

performance of 'Joseph'

performance of 'Just as I am without one plea'

performance of 'Kyrie'

performance of 'Kyrie'

performance of 'L'Enfance du Christ'

performance of 'La Fuite en Egypt'

performance of 'Latin Church Music'

performance of 'Leaves the vanities of Eygpt - quit the stubbles and the bricks (Auf, lass Egyptens eitles Wesen)'

performance of 'Let the Saviour in'

performance of 'Let the Saviour in'

performance of 'Lift up thine eyes'

performance of 'Litanies'

performance of 'Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis'

performance of 'Magnificat'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Masses and Mozart operas in Salzburg'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Mine eye runneth down'

performance of 'Missa Brevis'

performance of 'Missa Papae Marcelli'

performance of 'Music of Marcello'

performance of 'Music of Palestrina'

performance of 'Nearer, My God, to Thee'

performance of 'Nearer, My God, to Thee'

performance of 'Noel'

performance of 'Non nobis Domine'

performance of 'Not Half has ever been told'

performance of 'Nun danket alle Gott'

performance of 'O Roma Nobilis'

performance of 'O, Father, whose almighty power'

performance of 'Ode on St. Cecilia's Day'

performance of 'Only trust Him'

performance of 'Oratorio'

performance of 'Oratorio'

performance of 'Organ music'

performance of 'Organ'

performance of 'Psalm'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Religious'

performance of 'Religious'

performance of 'Religious'

performance of 'Religious'

performance of 'Religious'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Response to the Ten Commandments'

performance of 'Rock of Ages'

performance of 'Sacred Music'

performance of 'Sacred Music'

performance of 'Sacred music'

performance of 'Sacred music'

performance of 'Sacred'

performance of 'Sacrum Convivium'

performance of 'Safe in the Arms of Jesus'

performance of 'Safe in the Arms of Jesus'

performance of 'Safe in the Arms of Jesus'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Saul'

performance of 'Scared'

performance of 'Scatter Seeds of Kindness'

performance of 'Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut'

performance of 'Service in A'

performance of 'Shall We Gather?'

performance of 'Shall We Gather?'

performance of 'Sing unto God'

performance of 'Sing, O Heavens!'

performance of 'Sing, O Heavens!'

performance of 'Solomon'

performance of 'Some Time We'll Understand'

performance of 'Some Time We'll Understand'

performance of 'Songs from the Messiah'

performance of 'St Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St. Paul'

performance of 'St. Paul'

performance of 'Take Me as I Am'

performance of 'Te Deum Jubilate'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Tell Me the old, Old Story'

performance of 'That Will be Heaven for Me'

performance of 'The Amen chorus form the Messiah'

performance of 'The Child of a King'

performance of 'The Child of a King'

performance of 'The Christus Oratorio'

performance of 'The Christus Oratorio'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Cross of Jesus'

performance of 'The Fall of Babylon'

performance of 'The Gate Ajar for Me'

performance of 'The Lord is King'

performance of 'The Messiah'

performance of 'The Model Church'

performance of 'The Music of the Holy Week'

performance of 'The Music of the Passion Week'

performance of 'The Ninety and Nine'

performance of 'The Ninety and Nine'

performance of 'The Ninety and Nine'

performance of 'The Resurrection and Ascension'

performance of 'The Smitten Rock'

performance of 'The Sweet Story of Old'

performance of 'The Trumpet shall sound, the dead shall be raised'

performance of 'The Ways of Zion do Mourn'

performance of 'The Ways of Zion do Mourn'

performance of 'The Ways of Zion do Mourn'

performance of 'The Wilderness'

performance of 'There is a Fountain filled with blood'

performance of 'To the Work'

performance of 'To-day the Saviour Calls'

performance of 'Tu es Petrus'

performance of 'Tu es Petrus'

performance of 'Two Anthems'

performance of 'Two Choruses from 'St. Paul''

performance of 'Unknown Anthem'

performance of 'Unknown Anthem'

performance of 'Unknown Chorale'

performance of 'Unknown Hymn'

performance of 'Unknown Psalm'

performance of 'Various Anthems'

performance of 'Various religious works'

performance of 'Veni Creator Spiritus'

performance of 'Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme!'

performance of 'Wachet auf'

performance of 'Wachet auf'

performance of 'Waiting and Watching for Me'

performance of 'When the Mists have Rolled Away'

performance of 'Where is My Boy to-Night'

performance of 'Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way'

performance of 'Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way'

performance of 'Will the day break in the East?'

performance of 'Windows open toward Jerusalem'

performance of 'Wo is mein Haus? Im Himmel ist mein Haus!'

performance of 'Works of Palestrina'

performance of 'Worthy is the Lamb'

performance of 'Ye Must be Born Again'

performance of 'Yeild Not to Temptation'

performance of 'Yet There is Room'

performance of 'a psalm'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'liturgy'

performance of 'magnificat'

performance of 'psalm'

performance of 'sacred concert music'

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'unspecified choral music by Virgil Thomson'

performance of 'See the Conquering Hero Comes'

performance of '17th-century Italian sacred music'

performance of '17th-century psalm setting'

performance of '17th-century psalm setting'

performance of '17th-century sacred music'

performance of '17th-century sacred music'

performance of '17th-century sacred music'

performance of 'Anthem by Captain Cooke'

performance of 'Anthem on Christmas Day'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Choral singing'

performance of 'French violin music during service'

performance of 'Furtwängler conducts the St. Matthew Passion '

performance of 'Italian songs'

performance of 'Mozart Requiem in a commercial'

performance of 'Organ music'

performance of 'Organ music'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Sacred choral music, sung by a castrato'

performance of 'Sacred music'

performance of 'Setting of Psalm 51'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'hymn accompanied by trombone'

performance of 'hymn sung at a deathbed'

performance of 'hymn tunes'

performance of 'hymns at a wedding'

performance of 'hymns at the Heiligen Geist Kirche, Charlottenberg'

performance of 'mass at the Jacobins'

performance of 'mass in Lucca cathedral'

performance of 'masses'

performance of 'matins'

performance of 'organ music'

performance of 'organ voluntary'

performance of 'processional music for a Spanish patronal festival'

performance of 'psalms of Marcello'

performance of 'sacred choral music'

sacred choral music (, performance of)

performance of 'sacred muisc at St Mark's College Church'

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of 'sacred music at consecration of a church'

performance of 'sacred music for Holy Week'

performance of 'sacred music in Koblentz cathedral'

performance of 'sacred music in Santa Clara convent'

performance of 'sacred music in St Peter's'

performance of 'sacred processional music on pilgrimage'

performance of 'spiritual airs'

performance of 'vespers on the feast of St Thomas of Canterbury'

Page data computed in 4,140 ms with 1,662,376 bytes allocated and 473 SPARQL queries executed.