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performance of ''Could'st thou look as dear'':
performance of 'unspecified songs accompanied by two-string guitar':
performance of 'unspecified violin and flute music':
performance of 'unknown music':
performance of 'unspecified songs':
performance of 'Church Music':
performance of 'Fiddle Music':
performance of 'Church singing':
performance of 'A song from 'Rubber Soul'':
performance of 'other unspecified songs':
performance of 'Church music':
performance of 'unspecified hymn singing':
performance of 'pieces for two-stringed guitar':
performance of 'unspecified 'Bristol Tune Book' hymns':
performance of ''Se non credi' ['NĂ² non credo' from Il Matrimonio Segreto?]':
performance of 'unspecified hymns with harmonium':
performance of 'singing of a church choir':
performance of ''Wimbledom to Wombleton is seventeen miles'':
Harry Alfred West
John Yeoman
Nettlebridge Valley, Mendip HIlls, Somerset
Upper Stanton, Somerset
Stanton Drew, Somerset
Farleigh House, Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset