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generic agent
performance of 'unspecified choir music'
performance of 'Festival of Christmas Music'
performance of ''Alleluia! the strife is o'er''
performance of ''Thou art gone up on high, to mansions in the sky''
performance of 'Christ our Passover...''
performance of 'Jewish sacred music'
performance of 'unspecified singing'
performance of ''For those in peril on the sea''
performance of 'Choral psalms'
performance of 'The Light of Life'
performance of ''The Hallelujah Chorus''
performance of 'unknown church music'
performance of 'Duetto from the Leicester ode, 'Here shall soft Charity repair''
performance of ''See the Conqueror mounts in triumph''
performance of ''Through the night of doubt and sorrow''
performance of ''Come ye thankful people come''
performance of 'Ceremonial music--Armistice Sunday'
performance of 'unspecified church music-- a medley choir and organ'
performance of ''Know ye the Lord hath borne away''
performance of 'unspecified Methodist hymn singing'
performance of 'Vespers'
performance of ''The Royal Banners forward go''
performance of ''O come and mourn with me awhile''
performance of 'unknown choral music'
performance of 'The Paean of Wales'
performance of 'Welsh Hymns'