
A voice from the Pit: Reminiscences of an Orchestral Musician

Jonathan Harvey

The complete Dublin diary of Stanislaus Joyce

Heirs and rebels

Sergey Prokofiev diaries

'Monteverdiana 93' in Early Music

. Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore

Benedict Rubbra: Point of Balance

Beyond the notes : journeys with chamber music

Frances Burney Journals and Letters

From Parry to Britten: British Music in Letters, 1900 - 1945

From Where I Sit

In the Orchestra

Journals and Letters

Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807

The Musical Quarterly, Vol.42, No. 3

An Irish Beauty of the Regency: Compiled from “Mes Souvenirs”—the unpublished journals of the Hon. Mrs. Calvert 1789–1822

Bentley's miscellany

Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald

Correspondence of Sarah Spencer, Lady Lyttelton 1787–1870

Diary of William Plumer Jacobs

Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Familiar letters, domestick and foreign Divided into four books

Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Familiar letters, domestick and foreign Divided into four books. Seventh edition.

Extracts of the Journal and Correspondence of Miss Berry from the Year 1783 to 1852

Extracts of the Journal and Correspondence of Miss Berry from the Year 1783 to 1852

Extracts of the Journal and Correspondence of Miss Berry from the Year 1783 to 1852

Extracts of the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry From the Year 1783 to 1852

Fairacres Chronicle

For Cambria: Themes in Verse and Prose, A.D. 1854-1868

Journal of a Regimental Officer During the Recent Campaign in Portugal and Spain Under Lord Viscount Wellington

Journal of the Welsh Folk Song Society

Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807

Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807

Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807

Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807

Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807

Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807

Letters of Harriet Countess Granville, 1810–1845, 3rd edition

Letters of Harriet Countess Granville, 1810–1845

Liverpool Courier

Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore

Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore

Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore

Monmouthshire Merlin

Musical Letters from Abroad

North Wales Observer and Express

Orkiestry Kawaleryjskie II Rzeczypospolitej

Passages from the Diaries of Mrs. Philip Lybbe Powys of Hardwick House, Oxon. A.D. 1756 to 1808

Passages from the Diaries of Mrs. Philip Lybbe Powys of Hardwick House, Oxon. A.D. 1756 to 1808

The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852. Published as a supplement to The Marlburian, August 1931

Recorder Magazine

Sergey Prokofiev diaries 1907-1914

South Wales Daily News

Studies in Worship Music (second series)

The Autobiography and correspondence of Mary Granville

The Cambrian News and Merionethshire Standard

The Cambrian News

The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Vol. 1, 1752–76

The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Vol. 2, 1777–80

The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Vol. 3, January 1781–October 1788

The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham, Vol. 4, October 1788–December 1793

The Diary of Colonel Peter Hawker 1802–1853

The Diary of Colonel Peter Hawker, 1802-1853

The Diary of the Visits of John Yeoman to London in the Years 1774 and 1777

The Diary of the Visits of John Yeoman to London in the Years 1774 and 1777.

The Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV

The Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV

The Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV

The Journal of Mary Frampton, from the Year 1779, until the year 1846

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford

The Poetical Works of Robert Anderson

The Tenby Observer

The Torrington Diaries Containing the Tours Throughout England and Wales of the Hon. John Byng (Later Fifth Viscount Torrington) Between the Years 1781 and 1794

The Torrington Diaries Containing the Tours Throughout England and Wales of the Hon. John Byng (Later Fifth Viscount Torrington) Between the Years 1781 and 1794

The Torrington Diaries Containing the Tours Throughout England and Wales of the Hon. John Byng (Later Fifth Viscount Torrington) Between the Years 1781 and 1794

The Torrington Diaries Containing the Tours Throughout England and Wales of the Hon. John Byng (Later Fifth Viscount Torrington) Between the Years 1781 and 1794

The Welshman, Carmarthen

The Welshman

Thraliana: The Diary of Mrs. Hester Lynch Thrale (Later Mrs. Piozzi) 1776–1809. 2nd ed.

Thraliana: The Diary of Mrs. Hester Lynch Thrale (Later Mrs. Piozzi) 1776–1809. 2nd ed.

Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion

Travelling Players: The Story of the Arts League of Service

United Services Journal and Naval and Military Magazine

Wales To-day and To-morrow

Welsh Folk-Song Society 17th Annual Report June 1924-June 1926

Welsh Outlook: A Monthly Journal of National Social Progress

Western Mail

Y Cerddor

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