Maria Vincent Germon in Lucknow - 19 May, 1857
from A Diary Kept by Mrs R. C. Germon, at Lucknow, Between the Months of May and December, 1857, pages 12, page 12:
[T]he insurgents were in Meerut all Sunday night, burning and murdering, and did not reach Delhi till 4 o'clock the Monday morning. Captain W-. complimented me on my remaining alone in the house during the panic …. In the evening we took our usual drive; our band was playing at the band-stand, but very few were driving about.
cite as
A Diary Kept by Mrs R. C. Germon, at Lucknow, Between the Months of May and December, 1857, pages 12. In A Diary Kept by Mrs R. C. Germon, at Lucknow, Between the Months of May and December, 1857 (1870), p. 12. accessed: 6 February, 2025
Listening to
hide composersmilitary band music |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 19 May, 1857 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, outdoors, in public |
Mrs Germon's diary records her experiences of the siege of Lucknow during the 'Indian Mutiny' (as it was termed by the British).
Originally submitted by hgb3 on Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:02:41 +0100