Frances Williams Wynn in Cologne - 24 July, 1833

from Journal of Frances Williams Wynn's continental tour of 1833, page 39:

We dined again at the Table d’Hôte, and had to endure scraping more discordant, than I expected to find in any part of this land of Music, from a Man and two Boys. To add to our comfort, we had the pleasure of hearing from an English Gentleman at the Table, that the preceding Day, they had had delightful Music from a Band of Wind Instruments.
cite as

Frances Williams Wynn, Journal of Frances Williams Wynn's continental tour of 1833. In National Library of Wales, Canon Trevor Owen Manuscripts, number NLW MS 2779C, p. 39. accessed: 6 December, 2024 (By permission of The National Library of Wales)

location of experience: Cologne


Experience Information

Date/Time 24 July, 1833
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Fri, 06 Dec 2013 17:28:02 +0000