William Allestree - April, 1675

from Letter from William Allestree to John Locke, 24 April 1675:

Sir In October last, by a ship call'd the St nicolas order'd to mr Sowton, I sent you a pair of Lapps-boots, and the history of Lapland in Latin.1 They were put up in a wooden case, in the which there was also another pair of Lapps boots design'd for my Lady wood. From the marchand here who sent away the vessell, I understand that hee hath long since receivd newes of its arrivall at London, which makes me hope you may with it, have receiv'd what I sent.. RELEVANT SECTION Formerly upon this subject, I told you, the Devil had declar'd hee had not power to come into this town, but the …   more >>
cite as

William Allestree, Letter from William Allestree to John Locke, 24 April 1675. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1388183277289 accessed: 6 February, 2025 (Bodleian Library Oxford)


Listening to

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psalm-singing by amateurs to drive out the devil performed by amateurs

Experience Information

Date/Time April, 1675
Medium live

Originally submitted by Ivan Hewett on Fri, 27 Dec 2013 22:27:57 +0000