George Coppard in Allouagne - between 25 May, 1916 and June, 1916

from With a machine gun to Cambrai, page 74:

For several days I was employed in the officers’ mess. When the officers were out I improved my musical education on their gramophone. Mendelssohn’s Midsummer Night’s Dream was my favourite, and his Spring Song and Wedding March tied for second place. A very good third was Melody in F by Rubinstein. I loved that gramophone.
cite as

George Coppard, and Imperial War Museum (ed.), With a machine gun to Cambrai (:London, 1980), p. 74. accessed: 6 December, 2024

location of experience: Allouagne


George Coppard
Private Machine Gun Regiment

Listening to

hide composers
A Midsummer Night's Dream
written by Felix Mendelssohn
Melody in F
written by Arthur Rubinstein
Spring Song
written by Felix Mendelssohn
Wedding March
written by Felix Mendelssohn

Experience Information

Date/Time between 25 May, 1916 and June, 1916
Medium playback
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary

Originally submitted by EdmundKing on Mon, 13 Jan 2014 20:26:17 +0000