1378126645 1378747695 1383842115289 1383843451032 1385486965055 1386960598538 1387188546771 1388184791016 1388185719055 1388229159054 1388229650660 1388230324205 1388233441777 1388426123699 1388426916401 1388488469339 1388489206819 1389644777275 1392134703765 1392146433129 1394803728158 1395077168671 1395077587512 1395327303293 1395424095523 1395425965982 1395427849656 1395853843285 1396289156577 1396796981608 1397742078925 1398005491387 1398092286317 1398107693269 1400690980294 1401896827322 1401959974901 1402067001765 1403372843425 1404493432315 1405615056805 1406027184885 1406027357514 1406059538609 1409692111101 1412008511861 1412154966621 1412155168150 1412160532747 1414586405220 1418143340756 1419366050457 1419366777117 1419367288515 1420487416105 1420496053496 1420577839685 1420578659254 1420579238767 1420752706732 1420753703204 1420905207255 1421098097680 1421870399352 1422305429840 1423060723729 1424342117927 1424375169342 1424797166440 1424815213404 1424815314774 1424815453636 1424861117285 1425041398959 1425072783897 1425512667568 1425666984207 1425925684627 1426075236604 1426075905568 1426638483664 1426855464189 1426858439116 1426867299626 1426876606046 1426877316195 1427123112134 1427123606496 1427124119304 1427124850894 1427127703261 1427203202374 1427203805929 1427207792613 1427209984206 1427294484514 1427384489066 1427386399619 1427455667151 1427463111790 1427463487305 1427465433697 1427465850391 1427473322896 1427544616255 1427797634923 1427973385199 1428142329788 1428143697040 1428323810066 1428403339215 1428403620861 1428831408651 1428916738669 1429381842678 1429447688542 1429611857713 1429710320963 1429889841051 1429890359260 1430079480801 1430079724342 1430188776055 1430256193639 1430825112573 1430825426023 1430827955092 1431118000657 1431349292807 1431463380030 1431697577800 1431977638559 1431977834413 1431978636296 1431978958811 1431979549553 1432035732373 1432126890160 1432378713402 1432633196028 1432737524261 1432746512188 1432795431094 1432832057712 1432983982657 1433090275479 1433106944473 1433168080595 1433259065651 1433338596733 1433364711434 1433368302023 1433371112231 1433372530703 1433412953152 1433414831532 1433438168945 1433499657154 1433675525279 1433697232878 1433971792037 1433975649468 1433977618956 1434029702029 1434114758429 1434114972249 1434117199956 1434285074888 1434286121531 1434288754271 1434288977059 1434289580334 1434289865288 1434290200518 1434291071777 1434375408308 1434377045351 1434397056911 1434400346541 1434401354258 1434402189550 1434482535190 1434483934932 1434484188171 1434484428821 1434484687266 1434485207896 1434485556862 1434485977731 1434623740984 1434662412374 1434664044711 1434665560427 1434666180871 1434718246310 1434897452740 1434897862737 1434898770657 1434898938122 1434901706632 1434920067972 1434983729259 1435011216009 1435011945001 1435055280725 1435058594161 1435063951392 1435095782484 1435097046515 1435097307079 1435097453678 1435097678189 1435097827990 1435098027747 1435183119012 1435183346237 1435184470442 1435227578298 1435228749591 1435232089610 1435236924501 1435248185184 1435253407531 1435259999976 1435260258978 1435271059314 1435271265685 1435272578726 1435272809050 1435273007100 1435321032448 1435321997082 1435414103305 1435417386795 1435497000329 1435519040474 1435519374140 1435519794770 1435521723388 1435522575823 1435522756691 1435560004823 1435560377740 1435583036487 1435583168252 1435584625267 1435611949729 1435695322163 1435696149021 1435697408485 1435751380148 1435755742938 1435756023270 1435756207209 1435756446876 1435758483763 1435760035960 1435790063482 1435833994406 1435835265475 1435839758591 1435848502070 1435849032040 1435851723493 1435919804820 1435931623952 1435933600848 1435934017112 1435934613944 1435934963799 1436011016234 1436018365833 1436132850016 1436134412761 1436134577050 1436217271988 1436218525343 1436220587123 1436221332257 1436221595509 1436221843735 1436303225647 1436303553433 1436304327172 1436308921588 1436309095355 1436309296227 1436310980308 1436311741727 1436311944198 1436386286817 1436386938270 1436388010901 1436388310977 1436388705953 1436389397350 1436390651730 1436391550325 1436391983371 1436392170123 1436392353323 1436392572754 1436392882900 1436393539126 1436395001831 1436395219600 1436395650604 1436397303264 1436451080132 1436451597723 1436451875011 1436452066742 1436452348463 1436453345628 1436453549632 1436453700008 1436453934131 1436455845087 1436457363821 1436457697600 1436457917437 1436458807940 1436610229204 1436821389720 1436821601498 1436823555927 1436823854520 1436824334378 1436824756963 1436825017812 1436826923071 1436827109903 1436867017136 1437210092743 1437337872312 1437338264834 1437340056429 1437387093735 1437387491283 1437388285062 1437417654295 1437417851471 1437418100030 1437418287021 1437418543108 1437466085055 1437466949163 1437467337631 1437468658917 1437469109317 1437469558776 1437469866233 1437470129665 1437470474165 1437491607013 1437495025693 1437496552776 1437496814956 1437497195428 1437498549508 1437554524006 1437554896765 1437556252029 1437556604131 1437558391806 1437559770114 1437562009143 1437562185414 1437564385603 1437565396529 1437643700303 1437645363966 1437645646911 1437646388461 1437646593530 1437662227130 1437667801073 1437667968382 1437668177831 1437668479990 1437730322242 1437821785598 1437845266061 1437900621118 1437900926542 1437901128354 1437902536646 1437902988152 1437905181574 1437905418585 1437905661563 1437905871770 1437905933630 1437906574143 1437906806521 1437907204236 1437922167593 1437922749490 1437922857504 1437922994384 1437938101159 1438002747854 1438006506960 1438028593354 1438028821851 1438029095523 1438029296764 1438029439337 1438029652850 1438029955408 1438030152483 1438030271952 1438030552902 1438030815557 1438031113433 1438107369192 1438107486246 1438107735863 1438108135701 1438108286124 1438108440241 1438108600689 1438108728723 1438112451755 1438163755120 1438163863200 1438163948415 1438164083045 1438164230059 1438164511592 1438164642174 1438164831897 1438164953076 1438165161186 1438165723146 1438170702712 1438170992061 1438171262039 1438171411810 1438171823236 1438179818578 1438183903487 1438183994121 1438184249414 1438184447043 1438184708171 1438184816876 1438185055845 1438185407363 1438190973850 1438251141058 1438251673967 1438251802506 1438252098143 1438252344491 1438252953974 1438253320162 1438253398234 1438253509916 1438253841802 1438253925664 1438254081433 1438266523731 1438266950654 1438267320754 1438267491184 1438267620158 1438268018407 1438268387605 1438268510187 1438268739615 1438268853107 1438269214841 1438269575133 1438271070967 1438271277296 1438271473363 1438271719738 1438437740936 1438520691591 1438541074873 1438600024024 1440671900367 1442938390401 1443008721655 1443010167885 1443108195550 1443109252407 1443109770991 1443110027005 1443111408770 1443111763761 1443130146859 1443447999409 1443448405986 1443448937230 1443449354302 1443450098739 1443450344171 1443529547610 1443529800516 1443874098443 1443874309863 1443874667120 1443875238533 1443875763912 1443876001311 1443876246449 1443877477886 1443877613708 1443877797163 1444056220319 1444128689588 1444741070173 1444744787325 1444744902657 1444996259232 1445793888009 1445871469370 1445873369370 1445893717637 1445894543901 1445897745212 1446212057094 1446245950263 1446333519080 1446379996849 1446380256324 1446579345070 1446581091245 1446583138638 1446737424611 1447060703303 1447061052273 1447086278991 1447450589310 1447518974548 1447521488292 1447598185929 1447600308792 1447880521244 1448322729197 1449160350044 1449244023058 1449244615655 1450105826307 1450108565748 1450114097784 1450191632756 1450272051277 1450301573776 1450361353210 1450394047730 1450397105184 1451561686065 1451772586938 1451776184676 1451777612795 1451780909138 1452165536469 1452202746142 1452210983936 1452796629445 1456497028646 1456498093027 1458863026119 1459519900335 1459689176778 1459952547320 1461532396760 1467038412082 1467038692060 1469197901877 1473711868958 1476996244398 1476998180134 1477170873131 1477470720930 1477471648433 1481802416010 1481802824855 1482322383520 1509032925402 1509101848202 1513769612614 1513771123291 1513771782887 1515530570366 1517328529598 1517844653122 1517845826897 1517908904610 1518260104503 1518777761173 1518779460275 1518781410684 1518852469374 1521117152442 1521805294466 1524236958096 1528557626073 1528558118135 1528560276752 1528562232573 1529421775126 1529476546953 1529661972601 1529664641381 1529665152896 1529673336586 1529676235202 1529680716010 1529916022757 1530175512435 1530279988490 1531313335320 1531317844571 1532091271017 1532093682349 1532095163629 1532096703275 1532102802502 1532103624404 1533109447829 1533896038189 1534243771605 1534244161063 1534246868722 1534252576719 1534280651125 1534321393206 1534324105420 1534327257257 1534329343102 1534339931565 1534340103270 1534340346536 1534356913145 1535024214620 1535549531145 1535550447245 1535643336902 1535646629959 1535647177035 1535650988536 1535747934410 1535810241193 1536229888740 1537282652511 1538579910248 1538666770786 1538667305321 1538749771667 1540299452098 1540299990978 1541240851819 1541266129879 1541433206432 1541766410406 1541767643149 1542028227016 1542034883105 1542295326246 1542297747200 1543242728335 1546517063608 1546517476132 1546520477379 1546521515987 1546538979539 1546540325842 1546594051841 1546594463116 1546594668322 1546599803527 1546622457211 1546772071424 1547137757008 1549636682275 1549638044358 1549638796026 1549639345079 1549639776622 1549642348561 1550336736040 1550735874787 1550739398549 1550741302220 1550750361219 1550757533992 1550768634225 1550824488397 1550826961493 1550839336051 1550839775205 1550841129095 1550841664062 1550843461088 1550844033033 1550845082443 1550847518999 1550920669529 1550922548400 1550923135103 1550924599618 1550928116349 1550928597999 1550930805050 1550934062254 1550934560881 1550934922463 1550936862367 1550937718857 1550941189155 1551003909558 1551008495942 1551009097384 1551010260254 1551010948512 1558350698146 1593534389773 1593534816220 1593537654234 1593613354645 1593614120793 1593697954465 1593795111900 1593795773646 1594037687347 1594037973964 1594140116081 1594672835027 1594979798450 1594985394428 1595059654806 1595059844007 1596455968855 1650361893660 1650542386134 1653384076330 1653385518315 1653404317979 1654081199171 1655977328565 1656586355129 1656601129218 1656604169543 1656672176350 1656676512333 1658312870609 1658313293877 1659520773669 1659524807964 1660915269426 1661010111370 1663677453077 1663677966811 1674731028164 1674998071459 1708090469403 1708092394299 1708099139780 1726737907648 1726739920954 performance of ''Der Jasager'' performance of ''Design' for orchestra' performance of ''Trois Beaux Oiseaux du paradis' from 'Trois Chansons'' performance of ''The place the old horse died'' performance of 'singing-- popular music hall tunes' performance of 'singing-- popular music hall tunes' performance of 'sound of a penny trumpet' performance of 'organ improvisations' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified music' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of ''My ain wee thing'' performance of ''I would not be a crowned king'' performance of 'Tiranas' performance of 'Unspecified singing-- tenor' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'a song by Thomas Moore' performance of 'unspecified organ music' performance of 'unspecified Lieder' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of ''O choose thou the maid with the gentle blue eye'' performance of 'Practising scales' performance of 'Gems of Scotland' performance of 'Sul margine d'un rio' performance of ''Could'st thou look as dear'' performance of 'unspecified organ accompaniment to choir and congregation singing' performance of 'unspecified songs accompanied by two-string guitar' performance of 'unspecified singing with melodeon' performance of 'Singing in domestic environment' performance of ''To be a farmer's boy'' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified violin and flute music' performance of 'vocal music' performance of 'practice on the Viol' performance of ''Reveille' and 'Lights Out'' performance of 'Minuet in G' performance of 'unspecified organ music' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified music' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified bawdy song' performance of 'Rigaudon' performance of 'Suite Bergamasque' performance of 'Unspecified music' performance of 'cinema organ music' performance of 'Italian vocal music' performance of ''Take a pair of sparkling eyes'' performance of 'MacGregor's Farewell' performance of 'Organ music' performance of ''I have no wife to bother my life'' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified singing-- a man' performance of 'L'Italiana in Algieri' performance of 'unspecified drumming' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'music for dancing' performance of ''Lowther Arcade'' performance of 'Morfa Rhuddlan' performance of 'operatic airs' performance of 'Cocardes' performance of ''Stop Your Tickling Jock'' performance of 'singing' performance of 'Mozart's trios and quartets' performance of 'music played on the organ' performance of 'Two-part Invention in C major, BWV772' performance of 'A coachman's bugle horn' performance of 'Scheherezade transcription' performance of ''How fair this spot' Op. 21 No. 7' performance of 'an original melody' performance of 'Choral Fantasia' performance of ''Guglielmo Tell'' performance of 'Piano Trio (piano part)' performance of 'Requiem Mass' performance of 'Pastoral Sonata' performance of 'Guitar music' performance of 'unspecified piano music' performance of 'Canciones Patrioticas' performance of 'Sung street music with harmonium' performance of 'Harpsichord music' performance of 'musical box' performance of 'Agreeable Surprise' performance of 'Falstaff' performance of ''standard' overtures' performance of 'organ-grinder music' performance of 'organ music' performance of 'unspecified organ music' performance of 'unspecified whistling and singing' performance of 'guitar waltz music' performance of 'Unspecified songs' performance of 'musical imitations' performance of 'a Persian air' performance of 'Airs' performance of ''I'm a soldier of the Queen my lads'' performance of ''Why do the Nations' from 'Messiah'' performance of 'a sad Greek song' performance of 'popular musical hall songs' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of ''Ora Pro Nobis'' performance of ''Love's old sweet song'' performance of 'Comic songs' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'Dissonant singing' performance of ''The Miller and the High-way-man'' performance of 'unspecified music for dulcimer' performance of 'unspecified music for dulcimer' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'Etude No. 3' performance of ''Oft in the stilly night'' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'Children's singing' performance of ''The Battle March of Delhi'' performance of ''The flowers of the forest'' performance of 'a ditty' performance of 'Music for harpsichord' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified gentle singing' performance of 'Country dances' performance of 'performance of unspecified harpsichord music' performance of 'performance of unspecified harpsichord music' performance of ''Oh Susanna, oh don't you cry for me'' performance of ''A Song made upon the King'' performance of 'unspecified music' performance of 'Huntsman's Chorus' performance of 'Irish melodies' performance of 'novelty song' performance of 'unspecified song and piano performance-- a musical' performance of 'Fugue' performance of 'Drunken singing' performance of 'Drunken singing' performance of 'Drunken singing' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'music played on the organ of Westminster Abbey' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'unspecified tavern singing' performance of 'Native American song of explanation, with dancing' performance of 'bell ringing-- street trader' performance of 'organ music' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'Piano Sonata' performance of 'Unspecified violin music' performance of 'Sir Watkin's Delight' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of ''Di tanti palpiti' from Tancredi' performance of ''To my flute'' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified hymns' performance of 'unspecified hymns' performance of 'Organ Recital' performance of 'Organ Recital' performance of 'Organ Recital' performance of 'Organ Recital' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified popular song tunes-- the Hurdy-Gurdy' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'unspecified singing while working' performance of 'Tannhäuser-Fantasy' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'organ music' performance of ''School of Velocity'' performance of ''We will gather at the river'' performance of 'unaccompanied English ballads' performance of 'courting music--instrumental' performance of 'organ music' performance of 'a bolero' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'performance of 'Unspecified'' performance of 'Chaconne from Partita No. 2 for unaccompanied violin' performance of 'unspecified drumming-- school drill' performance of 'Unspecified songs' performance of 'a Blacksmith's song' performance of 'Traditional Scottish ballads' performance of 'traditional Welsh songs' performance of ''Jerusalem the Golden'' performance of 'unspecified hymns' performance of 'a child's rhyme' performance of ''The Volunteer Organist'' performance of 'Piano music' performance of 'Venetian Ballads' performance of 'organ improvisations' performance of 'Minuet' performance of 'child's hymn singing' performance of ''Johnny and Mary'' performance of ''Rosalie the Prairie Flower'' performance of ''Upon a young lady in Whitechapel-market'' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified violin music' performance of 'sacred music' performance of 'piano music to accompany silent film' performance of 'Ballad singing' performance of 'unspecified organ music' performance of 'Beethoven's trios and quartets' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of ''The Old Rugged Cross'' performance of ''The Lost Chord'' performance of 'performance of a Handel overture' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of '‘Polichinelle est par tout bien reçu’' performance of 'Scottish bagpipe music' performance of 'bagpipe music' performance of 'an organ voluntary' performance of 'Ballad singing' performance of 'Ballad singing' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of ''War against Babylon'' performance of 'Organ music' performance of 'unspecified piano solo' performance of 'the sound of the dulcimer' performance of 'Unspecified organ music' performance of 'Song' performance of 'unspecified pieces for spinet (small harpsichord)' performance of 'Concerto in A minor' performance of 'Songs' performance of ''God Save the King'' performance of ''Spirit of delight'' performance of 'musical story-telling' performance of 'Jolly Haymakers' Ride' performance of 'Piano sonatas' performance of 'unspecified Music Hall songs' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified barrel organ music' performance of ''Walking my Baby back home'' performance of 'choruses from 'La Gazza Ladra'' performance of 'Clock chime/bell' performance of 'Allegro Appassionata' performance of 'unspecified violin and fiddle tunes' performance of 'an Anacreontic' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'unspecified Bugle calls' performance of 'unspecified Bugle calls' performance of ''I am not mad, I am not mad'' performance of 'The Consummation of Bliss' performance of 'unspecified music' performance of 'a mob's trumpeting' performance of 'Piano music' performance of ''Rule Britannia'' performance of ''Doggies' - piano pieces' performance of 'Jumbo the Elephant song' performance of 'unspecified organ-grinder tunes' performance of 'unspecified piano solo' performance of ''Ranz des Vaches'' performance of 'Rakes of Mallow' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'Modern music' performance of 'organ music' performance of 'piano music' performance of 'unspecified accordion music' performance of 'unspecified organ music and sounds' performance of 'street entertainment-- wind instrument' performance of 'the sound of Moore's own piano' performance of 'bells at a wedding' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified harpsichord and vocal music' performance of 'unspecified 'old tunes'' performance of 'Organ music' performance of 'A Musical Letter to B. S. Zakharov in Vienna from S. S. Prokofiev in St Petersburg [sans op.]' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'song' performance of 'Welsh harp music' performance of 'Welsh harp music' performance of 'Welsh harp music' performance of 'Welsh harp music' performance of 'Welsh harp music' performance of 'Welsh harp music' performance of 'Piano recitals' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'violin music to accompany dancing' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'Traditional Scottish dance music' performance of 'Piping (Scottish bag pipes)' performance of 'music to accompany a tarantella' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified whistling' performance of ''When first I met thee warm and young'' performance of 'piano music' performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music' performance of 'music for harpsichord' performance of 'Davy of Garry-Gwyn' performance of 'a comic song' performance of 'a hornpipe' performance of 'a Venetian Partenza' performance of 'unspecified street music-- organ grinder' performance of 'popular ballads' performance of ''Cadet Rousselle'' performance of 'rising chords played on the piano' performance of ''Mother Machree'' performance of 'music by Gustav Mahler' performance of 'performance on the six-stringed bass' performance of 'Country dances' performance of 'Spanish songs' performance of 'Remembering performances of Handel's Messiah and Theodora' performance of 'a 'lesson'' performance of 'love lyrics accompanied by guitar' performance of 'Le Cortège d'Orphée [Le Bestiarie]' performance of 'piano music' performance of 'unspecified tin whistle tunes' performance of 'Brigg Fair' performance of 'Erinnerung' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'unspecified singing at work' performance of 'Wagnerian operas' performance of 'four-part singing' performance of 'Third Piano Concerto' performance of 'tambourine playing' performance of ''My Fiddle is my Sweetheart'' performance of 'Unspecified singing-- bass baritone' performance of 'Unspecified organ music' performance of ''Here's the Bower'' performance of ''Body and Soul'' performance of 'Singing in a domestic setting' performance of ''warning' whistle or song' performance of ''Two little girls in blue'' performance of 'Unspecified organ music' performance of '‘Rasserena il tuo bel Ciglio’' performance of ''The Fairyland Waltz'' performance of 'a young lady learning the piano' performance of 'singing to a child' performance of ''Over the hills and far away'' performance of 'unspecified recitativo' performance of 'Spanish songs' performance of ''Overture to William Tell'' performance of ''Blumenlied'' performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing' performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing' performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing' performance of 'Piano scales, exercises and unspecified easy tunes' performance of ''Wandering Willie'' performance of 'Strathspeys' performance of 'harmonium music' performance of 'singing and whistling' performance of 'singing and whistling' performance of 'a chromatic fugue' performance of ''Charming Chloe'' performance of 'unspecified bugle calls' performance of 'Piano music' performance of 'a child's exploration of the piano' performance of 'flute-playing' performance of 'music played on the French horn' performance of 'national melodies selected by Thomas Moore' performance of ''Down went Maginty to the bottom of the sea'' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of ''I'm only an old rough diamond'' performance of 'Hallelujah Chorus' performance of 'other unspecified songs' performance of 'other unspecified songs' performance of 'Organ recital' performance of 'organ music' performance of 'unspecified violin (?) music by Mozart and Haydn' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of ''Vainly now ye strive to charm me'' performance of 'Welsh harp music' performance of 'Church bells' performance of ''Good health to the barley mow'' performance of 'My Blue Heaven' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'No. 7 of Thomas Moore's 'National Airs'' performance of 'drumming disturbance during court session' performance of ''Widecombe Fair'' performance of 'sonatas' performance of 'Vocal duet and solo vocal music' performance of 'University organ recital' performance of 'University organ recital' performance of 'University organ recital' performance of 'Piano Sonata Op. 31 No. 1' performance of 'Piano Sonata Op. 31 No. 1' performance of 'performance of Henry Purcell's overture' performance of ''In a country garden'' performance of 'unspecified street singing' performance of 'Blues in C sharp minor' performance of 'Bridal March from the Birds' performance of 'Harlem Air-shaft & Sepia Panorama & Savoy Blues' performance of 'Marches from 'Jephtha' and Scipio' performance of 'Pilgrims' Chorus from Tannhauser' performance of 'Prelude in G minor' performance of 'Sea Songs' performance of 'Sonata No. 7' performance of 'The Entry of the Gods into Valhalla from Das Rheingold' performance of 'unspecified 'Negro Spirituals'' performance of 'Various piano pieces' performance of ''A storm in Switzerland'' performance of 'Sonata alla Fantasia' performance of 'Missa Solemnis' performance of ''Thora'' performance of 'Quartet for the End of Time' performance of 'Unspecified music for harp' performance of 'organ music' performance of 'The Druid's Prayer' performance of ''Goodbye Dolly, I must leave you'' performance of 'Piano music' performance of ''Sul margine d'un rio'' performance of ''I'm leaving thee in sorrow Annie'' performance of 'Practising in the hotel' performance of 'Unspecified violin music' performance of ''The Keel Row'' performance of 'Improvised piano music' performance of 'music from Latrobe's 'Collection of Sacred Music'' performance of 'music from Latrobe's 'Collection of Sacred Music'' performance of 'music from Latrobe's 'Collection of Sacred Music'' performance of 'the sound of the bell-harp' performance of 'Sweet Richard' performance of 'piano music' performance of 'improvised singing' performance of 'improvised singing' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'Conceits of Lady Owen' performance of ''The Robin's Return'' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'Music for harp' performance of ''All hail the power of Jesus' name'' performance of 'Melalogue' performance of 'unspecified music for piano' performance of 'sounds of an aquatic theatre' performance of ''Bonnie Mary of Argyle'' performance of 'unspecified hymn singing with harmonium' performance of 'Piano Concerto no. 2, cadenza from first movement' performance of 'practice singing Italian songs' performance of ''The Lily of Laguna'' performance of ''The Maiden's Prayer'' performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing at a market' performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing at a market' performance of 'French Bergerettes' performance of 'Music played on the harp and piano' performance of 'Fiddle dance music' performance of 'Sonata for violin and piano' performance of 'bluegrass' performance of 'bugle call to mobilise' performance of 'ballet music' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'organ music' performance of 'hunting song' performance of ''If those lips could only speak'' performance of 'unspecified flute and violin music' performance of ''Daisy, Daisy (Bicycle built for two)' performance of 'Church bells' performance of 'songs including 'Mad Bess'' performance of 'Piano music' performance of 'Piano music' performance of ''Home Sweet Home'' performance of 'a song' performance of 'unspecified Italian and English songs' performance of 'Third Piano Concerto' performance of ''Robin Adair'' performance of ''There's a Friend for Little Children'' performance of 'Improvised song' performance of 'Unspecified music' performance of ''Heart of Oak'' performance of 'music played on the barrel-organ' performance of 'Through the wood Laddie' performance of 'unspecified concertina and melodeon tunes' performance of 'Highland dance music' performance of 'unspecified song and guitar music' performance of 'unspecified zither tunes' performance of ''The Bluebells of Scotland'' performance of 'Mouth organ' performance of 'learning and practicing the French horn' performance of 'The Dimples' performance of 'Singing' performance of 'ship's trumpeting' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'Bendemeer's Stream' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of ''Down de ole plantation'' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'Lady Townshends Delight' performance of 'melancholy music' performance of 'Venetian gondolier music' performance of 'Fugues' performance of ''Disposer Supreme'' performance of 'Indian vocal and instrumental music' performance of 'music from Thomas Moore's 'Sacred Songs'' performance of ''Those Evening Bells'' performance of ''We are out on the ocean sailing'' performance of 'sound of a fire drum' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'whistling, unspecified tune' performance of 'whistling, unspecified tune' performance of 'songs' performance of ''Because'' performance of 'opera airs' performance of 'whistling' performance of ''The Grenadiers'' performance of 'Unspecified music' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of ''Kickleberry Brown'' performance of 'encouraging music' performance of ''Tol de rol, I shall be hang'd, I shall be hang'd'' performance of 'unspecified singing' performance of 'Piano sonata' performance of 'Prelude in C sharp minor' performance of ''Oh my darling Nellie Gray'' performance of ''At the tree I shall suffer with pleasure'' performance of ''The Maiden's Prayer'' performance of 'Piano Sonatas 4 and 5' performance of 'Songs' performance of 'Sankey and Moody hymns' performance of 'Country Gardens' performance of 'Morris dances' performance of 'Borodin's trios and quartets' performance of 'Unspecified solo piano music' performance of 'Ringing of a hand bell' performance of 'Piano Trio in B flat, D898 (piano part)' performance of 'psalm singing' performance of 'Tchaikovsky's trios and quartets' performance of 'hurdy-gurdy and monkey' performance of 'The Gambler' performance of 'piano music' performance of 'Cello music' performance of 'organ music' performance of 'Irish Guard march tune, hummed' performance of 'Piano solos' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'four-part singing practice' performance of 'unspecified Christmas carol' performance of ''The Pipes of Pan'' performance of 'unspecified hymn singing' performance of ''Far Away'' performance of 'aggressive drumming' performance of 'aggressive drumming' performance of 'Handel's Largo' performance of 'Fantasia on 'Au Clair de la Lune'' performance of 'Boleros' performance of 'pieces for two-stringed guitar' performance of 'Prière d’une Vierge' performance of ''God Save the Queen'' performance of 'unspecified 'Bristol Tune Book' hymns' performance of 'Itinerant singers' melancholy song' performance of ''I am sitting on the style, Mary'' performance of 'an aria from 'Tosca'' performance of 'unspecified church organ music' performance of 'unspecified church organ music' performance of 'unspecified church organ music' performance of 'unspecified traditional Scottish fiddle music' performance of 'Unspecified songs' performance of ''The Boys of Kilkenny'' performance of 'unspecified piano music and song' performance of ''The Flowers of Edinburgh'' performance of ''Yes Jesus loves me'' performance of 'Piano-roll recordings' performance of 'Testing an Ibach piano' performance of 'Songs My Mother Taught Me' performance of 'unspecified trumpeting' performance of 'Unspecified piano music' performance of 'Unspecified singing--tenor voice' performance of 'Unspecified music' performance of 'unspecified banjo music' performance of 'unspecified organ music' performance of 'Spanish songs' performance of ''Bonnie Mary of Argyle'' performance of 'unspecified songs by Thomas Moore' performance of 'Glasgow Cathedral organ recital' performance of 'Glasgow Cathedral organ recital' performance of 'Glasgow Cathedral organ recital' performance of 'Glasgow Cathedral organ recital' performance of 'Glasgow Cathedral organ recital' performance of 'Glasgow Cathedral organ recital' performance of 'Glasgow Cathedral organ recital' performance of ''Villanelle'' performance of ''The March Past'' performance of ''Old King Cole'' performance of 'Piano music to accompany dancing' performance of 'Piano music to accompany dancing' performance of ''The Trumpeter'' performance of 'a sentimental song' performance of ''Abide with me'' performance of 'nasty singing' performance of 'Come Pure Hearts' performance of 'Psalm 138' performance of 'humming' performance of 'comic songs' performance of 'The 'Dead March' from 'Saul'' performance of 'Fugues and a concerto' performance of 'A Presbyterian psalm-tune and a voluntary' performance of ''A Song made upon the Queen'' performance of 'Music for voice and guitar' performance of 'unspecified hymns with harmonium' performance of 'unspecified hymns with harmonium' performance of 'music for voice and piano' performance of 'Scales and arpeggios' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'unspecified music for one or two violins' performance of ''Land o' the Leal'' performance of ''L'Orage'' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of ''Turn about and wheel about and jump Jim Crow'' performance of 'dance music' performance of ''When midst the Gay I meet'' performance of ''My Pretty Jane'' performance of ''Winter Sledging'' performance of 'unspecified melodious singing' performance of 'music by Bach' performance of 'unspecified fiddle playing' performance of ''Running up and down our stairs'' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of ''Drive the nail aright boys'' performance of ''The Evening Bells'' performance of 'Prelude' performance of 'unspecified songs' performance of 'Piano music' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'Quartets' performance of 'Lessons' performance of 'Unspecified vocal music' performance of 'courtship singing' performance of 'organ music' performance of ''It was a winter's evening'' performance of 'Extemporised organ music in imitation of a storm' performance of 'Liza' performance of 'sonatas' performance of 'Olympiade' performance of 'sung verses of Tasso's poetry' performance of 'unspecified vocal music' performance of 'Otello' performance of ''All hail the power'' performance of 'Chaconne' performance of ''Joshu, Joshua'' performance of 'sung lullaby' performance of 'Ukrainian melodies' performance of 'Études' performance of ''Don't Get Around Much Anymore' and ''Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me'' performance of ''Flying Home'' performance of ''Gee Baby, Ain't I Good to You?' and 'I Just Can't See for Looking'' performance of ''Hush Now, Don't Explain'' performance of ''In a Monastery Garden'' performance of ''Lady Be Good'' performance of ''Lester Leaps in' and 'DB Blues'' performance of ''Softly Awakes my Heart' from 'Samson and Delilah'' performance of ''Songs of Araby'' performance of ''s Variations on ' La ci darem '' performance of 'A ditty' performance of 'Au Bord d'une Source' performance of 'Bach in improvisational 'Hungarian' style at home' performance of 'Baritone vocal music' performance of 'Berceuse' performance of 'Big Band' performance of 'Black-bottom Blues' performance of 'Blues' performance of 'Boogie-Woogie' performance of 'Born for a purpose' performance of 'Chasse' performance of 'Chichester Psalms' performance of 'Classical Barbra' performance of 'Cole Porter songs' performance of 'Concerto Lyrico by Berezowsky' performance of ' Effasio Musica' performance of 'El Retablo' performance of 'Eternal Light' performance of 'Flee as a Bird' performance of ' Flying Dutchman' performance of 'Gentle Lady' performance of 'Getting Sentimenal Over You' performance of 'Harmonium Music' performance of 'Hear ye and give ear' performance of 'Inventions for Piano' performance of 'Inventions for Piano' performance of 'Jazz band music' performance of 'Jazz singing' performance of 'Je tremble en voyant ton visage' performance of 'Je tremble en voyant ton visage' performance of 'Le Sacre du printemps' performance of 'Minnelied' performance of 'New Orleans jazz band music' performance of 'New Orleans jazz band music ' performance of 'Noveletten' performance of 'Paradise and the Peri' performance of 'Peter Grimes' performance of 'Piano Music' performance of 'Piano music' performance of 'Piano music' performance of 'Pibroch' performance of 'Polonaise for cello' performance of 'Scenes from Childhood' performance of 'Schumann Symphony' performance of 'Send home my long strayd eyes to mee' performance of 'Song' performance of 'Spring Fantasia' performance of 'Sweeney Todd' performance of 'Symphony for organ and orchestra' performance of 'The Dead March (in Saul)' performance of 'Trio Sonata' performance of 'Trio in G minor' performance of 'Trio' performance of 'Vampire ' performance of 'Variations on Alexander's March ' performance of 'Villon Ballades' performance of 'War Requiem' performance of 'War Scenes' performance of 'Wozzeck' performance of 'bass and voice' performance of 'be-bop jazz performance' performance of 'blues harmonica' performance of 'blues singing ' performance of 'boogie woogie' performance of 'choral from overture to 'Zampa'' performance of 'country and western music' performance of 'unspecified music' performance of 'jazz dance music' performance of 'jazz guitar' performance of 'jazz piano music' performance of 'jazz piano music' performance of 'jazz piano music' performance of 'jazz trumpet and bass music' performance of 'jazz trumpet and bass music' performance of 'jazz tunes' performance of 'jazz-era piano music' performance of 'jazz' performance of 'jazz' performance of 'music by Beethoven' performance of 'music by Charles Ives' performance of 'music performed by Ned Rorem' performance of 'ragtime' performance of 'trombone scales' performance of 'unspecified Fantasias by Henry Purcell' performance of 'unspecified orchestral excerpts for clarinet' performance of 'unspecified orchestral music' performance of 'unspecified piano music by Debussy' performance of 'unspecified' performance of 'variations ' performance of 'Brahms' performance of 'Jacqueline du Pré with the Newbury String Players' performance of 'Hilary du Pré listening to her mother playing piano music by Bach, Schumann and Brahms' performance of 'Big Band' performance of 'Big Band' performance of 'Blowing the Blues Away' performance of 'Vampire' performance of 'The Turn of the Screw' performance of 'jazz' performance of 'waltz in C sharp minor' | environment |