Gustav Holst in Royal College of Music

from The music of Edmund Rubbra, page 14:

I’ve spoken about Evlyn Howard-Jones and the piano.  He was a friend of John Ireland, Bax, Goossens, and that school of music, as well as Cyril Scott.  On the other hand, Holst was a friend of Vaughan Williams, and the two schools of thought were much opposed to each other.  Howard-Jones said rather nasty things about Vaughan Williams’s school, and the other side said equally nasty things (although not quite so much) about the school that Howard-Jones championed.  But Holst didn’t know much about what was being produced by these other …   more >>

cite as

Ralph Scott Grover, The music of Edmund Rubbra (Aldershot, 1993), p. 14. accessed: 22 February, 2025

location of experience: Royal College of Music


Gustav Holst
Composer, Teacher

Listening to

hide composers
Piano music
written by Arnold Bax, Delius, John Ireland
performed by Edmund Rubbra

Experience Information

Medium live
Listening Environment in private, indoors, in public, solitary


Autobiographical accounts transcribed from three tapes, made by Rubbra on 28 June, 26 July and 9 August 1980.

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 14:48:28 +0000
Approved on Tue, 22 Mar 2016 15:20:31 +0000