Countess Granville in Paris - 22 , month unknown, 1828

from Letter from Lady Granville to her sister, Lady Carlisle, 25 February 1828, page 13:

My last Friday was my first dancing one. It began, my house open, and as bright as candles and Baudouin’s band playing ‘Cherry Ripe,’ could make it, by my sitting to receive at eight alone and crying, for at this very time, to that very tune, my adorable and happy child was last year at my side.[*] People came flocking in, and they said it was gay and pretty.


[*Lady Granville’s youngest child, Freddy, was sent to boarding school in England at the age of eight.]

cite as

Henrietta Elizabeth [Harriet] Leveson Gower, Letter from Lady Granville to her sister, Lady Carlisle, 25 February 1828. In F. Leveson Gower (ed.), Letters of Harriet Countess Granville, 1810–1845, 3rd edition, volume 2 (London, 1894), p. 13. accessed: 10 March, 2025

location of experience: Paris


Countess Granville

Listening to

hide composers
'Cherry Ripe'
written by Charles Edward Horn
performed by Baudouin's band

Experience Information

Date/Time 22 , month unknown, 1828
Medium live
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary


Harriet Leveson Gower's sister, Georgiana Dorothy Howard, was titled Lady Morpeth until September 1825, after which she was titled Lady Carlisle.

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Wed, 03 Oct 2018 16:18:30 +0100
Approved on Thu, 11 Oct 2018 15:45:54 +0100