Benjamin Britten in London - 8 May, 1932

from Journeying boy : the diaries of the young Benjamin Britten 1928-1938, page 104:

Listen to B.B.C. concert after supper Fogg - Bassoon concerto. Tho' well played by Archie Campden - I hate a whole work for Bassoon - anyhow there wasn't much music in it.* Dvorak's 5th Symphony** - which I really enjoyed in spite of it's being so hackneyed & some v. ragged playing. But Dvorak does things so well.
cite as

John Evans (ed.), Journeying boy : the diaries of the young Benjamin Britten 1928-1938 (:London, 2009), p. 104. accessed: 2 January, 2025

location of experience: London


Benjamin Britten

Listening to

hide composers
Basson Concerto in D
written by Eric Fogg
performed by Archie Camden, BBC Symphonic Orchestra, Henry Wood
Symphony No. 9 in E minor, 'From the New World', Op. 95
written by Antonín Dvorák
performed by BBC Symphonic Orchestra, Henry Wood

Experience Information

Date/Time 8 May, 1932
Medium broadcast
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary


*Eric Fogg Bassoon Concerto in D (1930); the concert, given by the BBC Orchestra (Section B) conducted by Sir Henry Wood, also included Handel's Concerto Grosso Op. 6 No. 4. **Britten is here referring to the Symphony No. 9 in E minor, 'From The New World', Op. 95.

Originally submitted by gkw on Tue, 16 Jun 2015 20:49:48 +0100
Approved on Tue, 27 Sep 2016 11:43:01 +0100