Ray Charles in Florida - the 1940's

from Brother Ray: Ray Charles' Own Story, pages 48-9:

Now you didn't find no muddy Mississippi blues on the radio. That music was available only on what we called race records. But those low-down sounds were things I already knew. They were as much a part of me as my nose, my teeth, or the hair on my head. These other sounds [Big Band] were new, and I was pleased to pick 'em up and learn 'em. One cat in particular knocked me out. They always talked 'bout Goodman being such a great clarinetist, but to me he wasn't in the same category as my man--Artie Shaw. When I heard Artie Shaw do "Stardust" or, sometime later, "Concerto for Clarinet," I…   more >>
cite as

David Ritz and Ray Charles, Brother Ray: Ray Charles' Own Story (New York, 2003), p. 48-9. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1427203202374 accessed: 14 October, 2024

location of experience: Florida


Ray Charles
Pianist, Singing, Songwriter, Writer

Listening to

hide composers
Mississippi Blues
Big Band
written by Artie Shaw
performed by Artie Shaw, Artie Shaw and His Gramercy Five

Experience Information

Date/Time the 1940's
Medium broadcast
Listening Environment indoors, in public, solitary

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Tue, 24 Mar 2015 13:20:03 +0000
Approved on Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:42:11 +0100