Henry Matthews in Rome - 11 January, 1818, in the morning
from The Diary of an invalid, being the journal of a tour... in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France, 1817-1819, pages 118-119:
Removed from the Via degli otto Cantoni to the Piazza Mignanelli. The fatigue of mounting 104 steps after a morning's excursion was intolerable;—to say nothing of the fish-stalls, and the other noises of the Corso; amongst which, I was not a little surprised by a daily morning serenade from the odious squeaking bag-pipe. Who could have expected to meet this instrument so far from Scotland?—and yet it is indigenous in this land of music, that is, in the more southern part of it—in Calabria.
Henry Matthews, The Diary of an invalid, being the journal of a tour... in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France, 1817-1819, volume 5th edition (London, 1835), p. 118-119. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1518779460275 accessed: 6 February, 2025
Listening to
hide composersbagpipe music |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 11 January, 1818, in the morning |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | outdoors, in public, solitary |