Thomas Moore in Sloperton Cottage, Bromham, Wiltshire - 18 July, 1823

from Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore, page 97:

Tried over the Spanish music sent me by Mr. Quin; the “Canciones Patrioticas” (which he pronounces to be the best) very common stuff. Found, however, three pretty tirannas.

cite as

Thomas Moore, and Lord John Russell (ed.), Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore, volume 4 (London, 1853), p. 97. accessed: 7 October, 2024

location of experience: Sloperton Cottage, Bromham, Wiltshire


Thomas Moore
Poet, Singer, song writer

Listening to

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Tiranas performed by Thomas Moore
Canciones Patrioticas performed by Thomas Moore

Experience Information

Date/Time 18 July, 1823
Medium live
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Tue, 24 May 2022 10:21:16 +0100
Approved on Thu, 26 May 2022 09:37:18 +0100