Ludwig Geyer - 1821

from My Musical Life, page 395:

"Perhaps he has some talent for music” said the sick man as he heard little RICHARD, then only seven years old, strumming a tune from Der Freyschutz on the  piano. It was Louis GEYER, his step-father; painter, author, and actor, then on his death-bed, thinking of the future, planning as dying men plan, and hitting the mark as they…   more >>

cite as

Hugh Reginald Haweis, My Musical Life (London, 1898), p. 395. accessed: 12 February, 2025


Ludwig Geyer
Actor, Painting, Playwright

Listening to

hide composers
Der Freischütz
written by Carl Maria von Weber
performed by Richard Wagner

Experience Information

Date/Time 1821
Medium live
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary

Originally submitted by sp327 on Sat, 25 Jul 2015 18:27:46 +0100
Approved on Mon, 25 Apr 2016 14:08:18 +0100