Unknown Male Prisoner in Belfast - late 19th Century

from My Life and Sacred Songs, pages 109-110:

Dr. R. A. Torrey once called on me and told me that while he and Mr. Alexander were holding meetings in Belfast, one of the most enthusiastic helpers was a typical Irishman, well known as an active worker all over the city. " He was constantly bringing drunkards to the front and dealing with them," said Dr. Torrey, " and holding meetings in the open air all over the city. The story of his conversion was exceedingly interesting. At that time he was a prisoner in a cell in Belfast. The window of his cell was open. Mr, Sankey was singing ' Hold the Fort ' in another building. The words floated …   more >>
cite as

Ira David Sankey, My Life and Sacred Songs (1906), p. 109-110. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1432035732373 accessed: 22 December, 2024

location of experience: Belfast


Listening to

hide composers
Hold the Fort, for I am coming
written by P.P. Bliss
performed by Ira David Sankey

Experience Information

Date/Time late 19th Century
Medium live
Listening Environment indoors, solitary

Originally submitted by Gill on Tue, 19 May 2015 12:42:12 +0100
Approved on Fri, 25 Sep 2015 16:30:35 +0100