Ned Rorem in Nantucket - 27 September, 1984

from The Nantucket Diary of Ned Rorem 1973-1985, page 517:

Listening to the new recording of Bill Schuman's two ballets of the late forties, Judith and Night Journey, and to Elliott Carter's eight-year-old Symphony of Three Orchestras. How radically different these contemporaries. How do I react?Well, there is undeniably more information on Carter, but there is more appeal in the Schuman.

cite as

Ned Rorem, The Nantucket Diary of Ned Rorem 1973-1985, volume 2 (San Francisco, 1987), p. 517. accessed: 31 March, 2025

location of experience: Nantucket


Ned Rorem
Critic, essayist, Composer, Diarist […]

Listening to

hide composers
written by William Schuman
Night Journey
written by William Schuman
Symphony of Three Orchestras
written by Elliott Carter

Experience Information

Date/Time 27 September, 1984
Medium playback
Listening Environment in private, indoors, solitary

Originally submitted by pashworth on Fri, 03 Jul 2015 15:43:34 +0100
Approved on Thu, 28 Jan 2016 14:20:04 +0000