Thomas Twining in London - 1769

from Thomas Twining to Charles Jenner, 20 February 1769, page 70:

Thomas Twining to Charles Jenner, Fordham, February 20 1769 I left town before the Oratorios began; Mr. John Stanley took me to the Rehearsal of Gideon, the newly discover’d, [bogus] posthumous oratorio of Handel, which I suppose you have heard of. A great deal of the music of it was taken from some old things he had formerly composed in Italy. I cannot say I was struck with many things in it; but there is scarce any judging of what one hears in such a miserable way. I heard but one passage I thought very fine; which was a chorus towards the beginning of the last act, & in the grand, …   more >>
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Thomas Twining, Thomas Twining to Charles Jenner, 20 February 1769. In Thomas Twining, and Ralph S. Walker (ed.), A selection of Thomas Twining's letters 1734-1804 : the record of a tranquil life, volume 1 (Lewiston, New York, 1991), p. 70. accessed: 27 February, 2025

location of experience: London


Thomas Twining
Cleric, cleric

Listening to

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written by George Frideric Handel

Experience Information

Date/Time 1769
Medium live
Listening Environment in public

Originally submitted by David Rowland on Tue, 28 Jan 2014 13:05:36 +0000