Thomas Twining

from Letter from Thomas Twining to Charles Burney, Colchester, 1 April 1785, pages 269-270:

More commemorations, I see! … Will it do? Shall I go to town to hear it? What will be performed? I was astonished that "Tune yr. Harps" [from Handel’s Esther] was not admitted last time. There are Chorusses of Handel equally sublime, perhaps, but none that strike me as equally sublime & beautiful. It always appeared to me more angelic, heavenly -- more like my idea of the extemporary counterpoint of celestial spirits — than anything else of the kind.
cite as

Thomas Twining, Letter from Thomas Twining to Charles Burney, Colchester, 1 April 1785. In Thomas Twining, and Ralph S. Walker (ed.), A selection of Thomas Twining's letters 1734-1804 : the record of a tranquil life, volume 1 (Lewiston, New York, 1991), p. 269-270. accessed: 18 December, 2024


Thomas Twining
Cleric, cleric

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written by George Frideric Handel

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Medium live
Listening Environment indoors, in public

Originally submitted by David Rowland on Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:29:17 +0000