Thomas Twining

from Thomas Twining to Richard Twining, Colchester, 24 September 1797, page 499:

I gave him [Mr Hughes] the account of my introducing myself to Arch-deacon Leigh: principally because I knew it wd. entertain Mrs. H[ughes]. who has the true taste for humour & pleasantry, & as good an eye for the ridiculous as I ever met with: and, by the bye, she is no bad mimic, yet in all her badinage I never perceived a grain of satire or ill nature, & with a great share of good sense, she has good temper enough to make even a fool amiable. She has but one fault that I could find. She sings too much. This is not the less true for her singing admirably well, as she does. But she is always …   more >>
cite as

Thomas Twining, Thomas Twining to Richard Twining, Colchester, 24 September 1797. In Thomas Twining, and Ralph S. Walker (ed.), A selection of Thomas Twining's letters 1734-1804 : the record of a tranquil life, volume 1 (Lewiston, New York, 1991), p. 499. accessed: 9 March, 2025


Thomas Twining
Cleric, cleric

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Originally submitted by David Rowland on Fri, 14 Feb 2014 17:57:06 +0000