John Marsh in Greenwich - 1757

from The John Marsh Journals: The Life and Times of a Gentleman Composer (1752-1828), page 6:

On entering the pew therefore at the Chapel & the organ being pointed out to me, I was very inquisitive to know when it wo'd be play'd & fix'd my eyes upon it, expecting to see a pair of hands employ'd upon the feet of the gilt pipes in front to produce the sound. What was my astonishment therefore all on a sudden to hear celestial tones issuing of themselves (for aught that appear'd to the contrary) from a most elegant & beautiful instrument, on which my eyes remained fix'd till the voluntary ceas'd. This I co'd no help thinking was extremely short, & was very impatient for it to play again, …   more >>
cite as

John Marsh, and Brian Robins (ed.), The John Marsh Journals: The Life and Times of a Gentleman Composer (1752-1828), volume - (Stuyvesant, New York, 1998), p. 6. accessed: 13 March, 2025

location of experience: Greenwich


John Marsh
Gentleman, violinist, Composer, Music criticism […]

Listening to

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unspecified church music performed by choir of the Hospital Chapel at Greenwich

Experience Information

Date/Time 1757
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


No precise date for this experience given by Marsh.

Originally submitted by iepearson on Sun, 09 Mar 2014 18:18:24 +0000