Charles Burney in Venice - 4 August, 1770
from The Present State of Music in France and Italy, pages 139-140:
This city is famous for its conservatorios or musical schools, of which it has four, the Ospidale della Pietà, the Mendicanti, the Incurabile, and the Ospidaletto a S.Giovanni e Paulo, at each of which there is a performance every Saturday and Sunday evening, as well as on great festivals. I went to that of the Pietà, the evening after my arrival, Saturday, August 4. The present Maestro di Capella is Signor Furlanetti, a priest, and the performers, both vocal and instrumental, are all girls; the organ, violins, flutes, violoncellos, and even French horns, are supplied by these females. It is… more >>
cite as
Charles Burney, The Present State of Music in France and Italy (London, 1771), p. 139-140. accessed: 22 February, 2025
Listening to
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Choral and instrumental music
written by Various, Frederick Bridge |
performed by Students at the Ospidale della Pieta |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 4 August, 1770 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors |
Fifty years previously the Maestro di capella at the Ospidale della Pietà had been Vivaldi, whom however Burney does not mention in his published travels. In his General History of Music, however, he berates him for introducing a (temporary) fashion for over-rapid execution. Compare his verdict on Gluck, whom he calls the "great simplifier".
Originally submitted by Robert Fraser on Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:18:02 +0100