in Valladolid - in the middle of 1935

from As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning, pages 80-81:

… I went out - for the first time in a Spanish town - to try my luck in the streets. I found a busy lane, placed my hat on the ground, and struck up a rusty tune. According to my experience in England, money should then have dropped into the hat; but it didn’t work out that way here. No sooner had I started to play than everybody stopped what they were doing and gathered round me in a silent mass, blocking the traffic, blotting out the sun, and treading my new hat into the ground. Again and again I fished it from under their feet, straightened it out, and moved somewhere else. But as soon …   more >>
cite as

Laurie Lee, As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning (Harmondsworth, 1974), p. 80-81. accessed: 2 February, 2025

location of experience: Valladolid

Experience Information

Date/Time in the middle of 1935
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, outdoors, in public

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 18:14:10 +0100