As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning
As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning (written work, Memoir/autobiography)
Listening experiences | 1404226237977: I worked the streets of Southampton for sever... 1404226724091: I spent a week by the sea, slowly edging towa... 1404227370601: As I sat there, scratching, and wondering whe... 1404405139236: ‘Now for the danze! ’ cried Artur. Night had ... 1404492379436: So it was with us in this nameless village; n... 1404493124604: [T]he evening deepened with a hot green light as t... 1404493432315: I was awakened next morning by the high clear voic... 1404494049951: … I went out - for the first time in a Spanish tow... 1404494925717: We ate supper and drank, and as the evening d... 1404495404105: [O]ne night, as I was having my supper in the squa... 1404496365968: When they heard us coming the villagers gather... 1404496858400: Algeciras was a clearing-house for odds and e... 1404497502024: There were two hotels, one of them run by a S... |
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published in | 1974 |
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