Nathan Milstein in New York City - 1941

from From Russia to the West : the musical memoirs and reminiscences of Nathan Milstein, page 174:

Soon after the accident , Kreisler was at our house for lunch. I wanted to distract him, so I asked, “Meister, back in Russia I owned your recording of Cottenet’s ‘Meditation’. Who is that composer? I’ve never heard of him.” Kreisler grew animated. “Oh, that’s my old friend, an Englishman who lives in America. I haven’t performed that piece in a long time.” He asked for a violin. I gave him one, and I could see that it was hard for him to handle. He didn’t know how to put his finger on F. “Is this F?” he asked me. But then he played a bit from the half-forgotten …   more >>
cite as

Nathan Milstein, and Soloman Volkov (ed.), From Russia to the West : the musical memoirs and reminiscences of Nathan Milstein (:London, 1990), p. 174. accessed: 8 September, 2024

location of experience: New York City


Nathan Milstein

Listening to

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Kreisler playing at home
written by Richard Cottenet
performed by Fritz Kreisler

Experience Information

Date/Time 1941
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


Kreisler had been knocked down by a truck in the street on April 26 1941. He suffered a fractured skull and was in a coma for several days; although he recovered, his hearing and sight were 'severely impaired', according to Milstein.

Originally submitted by tlisboa on Thu, 24 Jul 2014 10:20:33 +0100
Approved on Tue, 02 Feb 2016 17:18:51 +0000