John Evelyn in London - 5 May, 1659

from Diary of John Evelyn, 5 May 1659, page 110:

May 5 I went ... to see a new Opera after the Italian way in Recitative Music & Sceanes, much inferior to the Italian composure & magnificence: but what was prodigious, that in a time of such publique Consternation, such a Vanity should be kept up or permitted; I being ingag'd with company, could not decently resist the going to see it, though my heart smote me for it ...
cite as

John Evelyn, Diary of John Evelyn, 5 May 1659. In De la Bédoyère, Guy (ed.), The Diary of John Evelyn (Woodbridge, 1995), p. 110. accessed: 23 February, 2025

location of experience: London


John Evelyn
Diarist, Writer

Listening to

hide composers
Italian opera
written by Signor Baptista

Experience Information

Date/Time 5 May, 1659
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in public


The "time of such publique Consternation" Evelyn refers to is the anarchy and uprising which ensued following the Lord Protector Richard Cromwell's decision to disband parliament on 22 April that year. Cromwell was to resign his post just 20 days later, on 25 May 1659.

Originally submitted by isobel.1111 on Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:01:16 +0100