John Evelyn in London - late 17th Century

from Diary of John Evelyn, March 1685, page 278:

She had to all this an incomparable sweete Voice, to which she play'd a through-base on the Harpsichord, in both which she ariv'd to that perfection, that all of the Schollars of those Two famous Masters, Signor Pietro and Bartolomeo: she was esteem'd best; [for] the sweetenesse of her voice, manegement of it, adding such agreablenesse to her Countenance, without any constraint and concerne, that when she sung, it was as charming to the Eye, as to the Eare; this I rather note, because it was a universal remarke, & for which so many noble & judicious persons in Musique, desir'd to hear her; the…   more >>
cite as

John Evelyn, Diary of John Evelyn, March 1685. In De la Bédoyère, Guy (ed.), The Diary of John Evelyn (Woodbridge, 1995), p. 278. accessed: 13 January, 2025

location of experience: London


John Evelyn
Diarist, Writer

Listening to

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Evelyn's impressions of his daughter Mary's musical skills performed by Mary Evelyn

Experience Information

Date/Time late 17th Century
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors, outdoors, in public


This passage appears in the diary entry following Mary Evelyn's death on 14 March 1685. John Evelyn is reflecting upon his daughter's skills, talents and virtues.

Originally submitted by isobel.1111 on Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:46:46 +0100