Benjamin Britten in Royal Academy of Music - 7 December, 1933
from Journeying boy : the diaries of the young Benjamin Britten 1928-1938, page 156:
Go to R.A.M to a New Music Society concert. Where the Grinke Trio (G. (Vl), Florence Hooton (Vlc) & Dorothy Manley (Pft)) play F.B.'s last Trio magnificently.* It is a thrilling work, & I enjoyed & wondered at it enormously. The rest of the programme (except for an interesting Sonatina of Casella) was negligible.**
cite as
John Evans (ed.), Journeying boy : the diaries of the young Benjamin Britten 1928-1938 (:London, 2009), p. 156. accessed: 4 December, 2024
Listening to
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Piano Trio No. 2
written by Frank Bridge |
performed by Dorothy Manley, Florence Hooton, Grinke Trio, Grinke |
Sonatina in Tre Tempi, Op. 28
written by Alfredo Casella |
performed by Dorothy Manley, Florence Hooton, Grinke Trio, Grinke |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 7 December, 1933 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors, in public |
*Bridge Piano Trio No. 2 (1929) **Alfredo Casella Sonatina in Tre Tempi, Op. 28 (1916).
Originally submitted by gkw on Thu, 23 Jul 2015 16:50:41 +0100
Approved on Mon, 26 Sep 2016 22:47:27 +0100