Hermann Klein in Covent Garden - 1875

from Thirty Years of Musical Life in London, pages 43-44:

Two memorable events occurred in 1875. One was the first production in London of Wagner's "Lohengrin"; the other, the first appearance there of the Carl Rosa Opera Company. The former was regarded almost in the light of an experiment. Never before had an opera by Wagner been performed at Covent Garden. In 1870 his "Fliegende Holländer" had been given at Drury Lane, under the Italian title of "L'Ollandese Dannato" (Luigi Arditi conducting), but without any very marked success. And now here was "Lohengrin," a more advanced example of the composer 's method, …   more >>

cite as

Hermann Klein, Thirty Years of Musical Life in London (New York, 1903), p. 43-44. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1438969158705 accessed: 10 February, 2025

location of experience: Covent Garden


Hermann Klein
Music Critic, Singing Teacher, Writer

Listening to

hide composers
written by Richard Wagner
performed by Albani, Cotogni, Nicolini

Experience Information

Date/Time 1875
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by cathcoyne on Fri, 07 Aug 2015 18:39:19 +0100
Approved on Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:56:40 +0000