Mary Delany in Covent Garden - 8 January, 1737

from Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs Delany: with interesting Reminiscences of King George the Third and Queen Charlotte, page 587:

I was this morning regaled with Mr. Handel's new opera called Arminius, it was rehearsed at Covent Garden; I think it as fine a one as any he has made, as I hope you will, 'tis to be acted next Wednesday. From the rehearsal I came home with my neighbour Granville!

cite as

Mary Granville, and Augusta Hall (ed.), Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs Delany: with interesting Reminiscences of King George the Third and Queen Charlotte, volume 1 (London, 1861), p. 587. accessed: 3 November, 2024

location of experience: Covent Garden


Mary Delany
Botanical decoupage artist letter-writer, blue-stocking, Artist, Writer

Listening to

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written by George Frideric Handel

Experience Information

Date/Time 8 January, 1737
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors

Originally submitted by cathcoyne on Fri, 09 Oct 2015 21:59:47 +0100
Approved on Wed, 06 Jan 2016 23:00:38 +0000