John Courtney - 28 May, 1759

from Music and Society in Eighteenth-Century Yorkshire, page 128:


This evening I was at a concert in our hall for the benefit of Sigr Nofferri; Signora Mingotti sung 3 songs, and the principal instrumental parts were performed by the finest players in England vizd: Sigr Giardini First violin; Tacet German flute; Vincent Hautboy; Gordon Violoncello; Abel Violino di Gamba, or 6 string bass. 

cite as

Christopher Simon Roberts, Music and Society in Eighteenth-Century Yorkshire, p. 128. accessed: 12 December, 2024


John Courtney

Listening to

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songs performed by Charles Frederick Abel, Giardini, Gordon, Signora Mingotti, Tacet, Vincent

Experience Information

Date/Time 28 May, 1759
Medium live

Originally submitted by acusworth on Sun, 08 Nov 2015 18:17:53 +0000
Approved on Wed, 16 Mar 2016 11:43:49 +0000