Caroline Abbott - 2 January, 1835
from [Diary]: Abbott, Caroline:
Jan. 2d pleasant snow storm. Mrs. Bradlee sent in her younger daughter in the evening to say tea was waiting. I took tea with them and accompanied them to the social concert given by the pupils of the female monitorial school under the instruction of Lowell Mason. I was very much delighted to hear the little girls sing alone so sweetly like little birds. Before the exercises commenced, Mr Fowle read an article of his own composition to the visitors. The sentiments were that we were all possessed of the capability of learning to sing that we were of learning to read. That the faculties of … more >>
Caroline Abbott, [Diary]: Abbott, Caroline. In Columbia University Libraries, number X976.409 Ab26. accessed: 11 March, 2025
Listening to
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Experience Information
Date/Time | 2 January, 1835 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in private, indoors |