Carrie Lee - the 1830's

from Diary of William Plumer Jacobs, page 91:

Mother gave me an account a week or two ago of some strange phenomena in the experience of aunt Dorothea Lee which the above narration calls to my mind. When about 15 years old she was unfortunately injured accidentally in the back but seemed to take no special notice of the injury at the time. At night, however, she roused up her sisters and gravely informed them that the judgement day was at hand and bade them say their prayers. This created such an uproar that the family was brought together and then began a series of the most wonderful nightly entertainments on the part of the …   more >>

cite as

Dr William Plumer Jacobs, Diary of William Plumer Jacobs. In Thornwell Jacobs (ed.), Diary of William Plumer Jacobs, volume 138 (1937), p. 91. accessed: 10 February, 2025


Listening to

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singing performed by Dorothea Lee

Experience Information

Date/Time the 1830's
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


The writer relates the story of his step-mother's sister's peculiarities after an accident, including spontaneously improvised song.

Originally submitted by acusworth on Sat, 14 Nov 2015 17:06:03 +0000
Approved on Fri, 25 Mar 2016 17:15:32 +0000