Richard Edgcumbe in Westminster Abbey - 24 June, 1834

from Musical Reminiscences: Containing an Account of Italian Opera in England, From 1773. The Fourth Edition, Continued to the Present Time, and Including The Festival in Westminster Abbey., page 260:

Then followed, with its recitative, the song, “Total eclipse,” which has long been esteemed one of Mr. Braham’s best performances. He sung it with his usual excellence.

cite as

Richard Edgcumbe, Musical Reminiscences: Containing an Account of Italian Opera in England, From 1773. The Fourth Edition, Continued to the Present Time, and Including The Festival in Westminster Abbey. (London, 1834), p. 260. accessed: 12 December, 2024

location of experience: Westminster Abbey


Richard Edgcumbe
Amateur Actor, Amateur Musician, Politician, Writer

Listening to

hide composers
Total Eclipse
written by Joseph Haydn
performed by Mr. Braham

Experience Information

Date/Time 24 June, 1834
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Gorwel Owen on Tue, 01 Dec 2015 12:18:32 +0000
Approved on Sat, 22 Oct 2016 10:33:34 +0100