Thomas Ryan in Boston - 1853

from Recollections of an old musician, page 145:


In 1853, Madame Sontag came to Boston with a brilliant company, Carl Eckert being the conductor. When the Sontag party first arrived in America they had with them the fine boy violinist, Paul Jullien. I think he was about fifteen years of age at that time. He played mainly Alard and Leonard pieces, and played them very brilliantly. When the company had made a limited concert tour, attended with indifferent success, it was reorganized into an operatic enterprise and the boy violinist returned to Europe. I think his career was closed by …   more >>

cite as

Thomas Ryan, Recollections of an old musician (New York City, 1899), p. 145. accessed: 10 March, 2025

location of experience: Boston


Thomas Ryan

Listening to

hide composers
La Fille du Regiment performed by Madame Sontag
Unknown music
written by Alard, Leonard
performed by Paul Jullien

Experience Information

Date/Time 1853
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Jo Reardon on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 13:48:50 +0000
Approved on Tue, 23 Feb 2016 14:38:29 +0000