Thomas Middleton et al. - mid 18th Century

from Letter from Thomas Middleton to Charles Wesley, 8 October 1743:

[...] I sought to hide myself no more, but wanted to pour out my soul to the Lord and to show him all of my trouble. I wanted to weep my life away at the Saviour's feet, to wash his feet with tears, and to kiss his feet.

But my heart still remained hard till the next day which was Sunday. I came to the Foundery in the morning and the hymn and the preaching seemed to me, directed immediately to me. They was to my soul as healing medicines. And at the chapel, all the service my heart was poured out before the Lord. It was full and ready to break, and particularly at the Lord's table. …   more >>

cite as

Thomas Middleton, Letter from Thomas Middleton to Charles Wesley, 8 October 1743. In University of Manchester Library, number EMV: 111. accessed: 14 December, 2024 (Copyright of The University of Manchester and the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes)


Charles Wesley

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Experience Information

Date/Time mid 18th Century
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others

Originally submitted by acusworth on Tue, 15 Aug 2017 16:42:00 +0100
Approved on Wed, 04 Oct 2017 11:08:46 +0100