James Sloan in Italy - early 19th Century

from Rambles in Italy; in the years 1816 – 1817 By an American, pages 100-101:

But as the poet of the opera, Metastasio is without a rival. The splendour of his diction, the unlaboured melody of his numbers, the richness of his imagination, and the voluptuous strain of his sentiments, elevate him to an enviable and solitary eminence, among the lyrical poets of his own country. The beauty of his sentiments, and the charm of his expression, heightened by the sublime accords of Cimarosa or …   more >>

cite as

James Sloan, Rambles in Italy; in the years 1816 – 1817 By an American (Baltimore, 1818), p. 100-101. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1516546091330 accessed: 16 September, 2024

location of experience: Italy


Listening to

hide composers
operatic singing
written by Domenico Cimarosa, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi

Experience Information

Date/Time early 19th Century
Medium live
Listening Environment indoors


Sloan is in Trieste when we writes the above extract.

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Sun, 21 Jan 2018 14:48:11 +0000
Approved on Thu, 25 Jan 2018 15:06:21 +0000