Henry Matthews in Naples - 2 April, 1818

from The Diary of an invalid, being the journal of a tour... in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France, 1817-1819, pages 209-210fn:

Convalescence. Visited the opera for the first time. Of all the stupid things in the world, a serious opera is perhaps the most stupid, and the opera of to-night [Armida] formed no exception to this observation. The theatre is, I believe, the largest in Europe, and it is certainly too large for the singers, whose voices sound like penny trumpets on Salisbury Plain.*


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cite as

Henry Matthews, The Diary of an invalid, being the journal of a tour... in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France, 1817-1819, volume 5th edition (London, 1835), p. 209-210fn. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1518781014746 accessed: 8 February, 2025

location of experience: Naples


Henry Matthews
Judge, travel writer

Listening to

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written by Gioachino Rossini

Experience Information

Date/Time 2 April, 1818
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Fri, 16 Feb 2018 11:36:54 +0000
Approved on Wed, 28 Mar 2018 17:17:56 +0100