James Douglas in Exeter Hall, London - mid 19th Century

from Account of life as a chorister in the nineteenth century, page 8:

[James Douglas recalls a number of usually annual musical outings in his memoir. pp. 7-9]

We also sang at a grand evening Concert at Exeter Hall one of Mr Surman’s, when [St George’s organist] Dr Elvey’s Anthem “In that Day” was sung, the tenor solo being taken by Mr Lockey of St Pauls, & we also sang at a Concert given by Mr John Hullah at Exeter Hall. He was one of the originators I think of the tonic – sol-fa system.

cite as

James Douglas, Account of life as a chorister in the nineteenth century. In Choir Archives, St George's Chapel, Windsor, England, p. 8. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1524221081683 accessed: 11 March, 2025 (All extracts from the memoir are by kind permission of the writer's descendant Prof. James Wilkinson.)

location of experience: Exeter Hall, London


James Douglas
chemist, Clerk and manager railways, tobacco importer

Listening to

hide composers
'In that Day'
written by Sir George Elvey
performed by Mr Lockey

Experience Information

Date/Time mid 19th Century
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


John Hullah (d. 1884), composer and populariser of musical education, opposed the 'tonic sol-fa system', a technique for teaching sight-singing. The system was invented by Sarah Ann Glover (1785-1867).

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Fri, 20 Apr 2018 11:44:42 +0100
Approved on Thu, 21 Jun 2018 15:12:44 +0100