Countess Granville in Sandon Hall, Staffordshire - early October, 1811

from Letter from Lady Granville to her sister, Lady G Morpeth, 11 October 1811, page 22:

The Duc de Berri sings delightfully all the opera duets and trios with Lady Harrowby and la petite Suzanne, who sings beautifully. She grows prettier every day. They are all quite in love with her, and really she is a little angel. She does everything equally well. Her waltzing is the prettiest thing that can be seen, she plays well on the pianoforte, and all this with the simplicity and diffidence of a child.

cite as

Henrietta Elizabeth [Harriet] Leveson Gower, Letter from Lady Granville to her sister, Lady G Morpeth, 11 October 1811. In F. Leveson Gower (ed.), Letters of Harriet Countess Granville, 1810–1845, volume 1 (London, 1894), p. 22. accessed: 3 March, 2025

location of experience: Sandon Hall, Staffordshire


Countess Granville

Listening to

hide composers
Operatic duets and trios performed by Duc de Berri, Lady Harrowby, Suzanne
Piano music performed by Suzanne

Experience Information

Date/Time early October, 1811
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


Harriet Leveson Gower's sister, Georgiana Dorothy Howard, was titled Lady Morpeth until September 1825, after which she was titled Lady Carlisle.

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Tue, 18 Sep 2018 10:03:16 +0100
Approved on Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:46:53 +0100