Mary Berry in Hamilton - 31 October, 1814

from Diary of Mary Berry, 31 October 1814, page 35:

We went to dine at Hamilton after tea. The Marchioness sang a good deal, and though I had heard her singing so much praised, it did really surpass my expectations. I never heard Italian better sung; never heard a voice so sweet and so flexible, or so capable of expressing all and executing all.

cite as

Mary Berry, Diary of Mary Berry, 31 October 1814. In Lady Theresa Lewis, Lady Theresa Lewis and Lady Theresa Lewis (ed.), Extracts of the Journal and Correspondence of Miss Berry from the Year 1783 to 1852, volume 3 (London, 1865), p. 35. accessed: 24 January, 2025

location of experience: Hamilton


Mary Berry
Author, literary hostess, Playwright

Listening to

hide composers
Italian vocal music performed by Susan Euphemia Marchioness of Hamilton

Experience Information

Date/Time 31 October, 1814
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Wed, 14 Nov 2018 14:39:51 +0000
Approved on Sun, 02 Dec 2018 09:51:11 +0000