Lady Charlotte et al. in Quirinal Palace, Rome - 13 March, 1823, in the morning

from Diary of Mary Berry, 13 March 1823, pages 331–332:

At nine o’clock I went to the Quirinal with Lady Char[lotte], and Mr. Petre, to see the Consistory for the reception of the twelve new cardinals. […] The old cardinals went to fetch the new ones, who were each introduced between two old ones, and thus brought in from the great door of the room to the Pope's feet. Then one of the assistants addressed a short speech to them, not a word of which was heard where I was; then each cardinal knelt at the Pope's feet, who placed, or rather hung, a red hat upon his head for an instant, addressing some words to him; then…   more >>

cite as

Mary Berry, Diary of Mary Berry, 13 March 1823. In Lady Theresa Lewis, Lady Theresa Lewis and Lady Theresa Lewis (ed.), Extracts of the Journal and Correspondence of Miss Berry from the Year 1783 to 1852, volume 3 (London, 1865), p. 331–332. accessed: 10 February, 2025

location of experience: Quirinal Palace, Rome


Mary Berry
Author, literary hostess, Playwright

Listening to

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Te Deum performed by cardinals, the congregation

Experience Information

Date/Time 13 March, 1823, in the morning
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


'Lady Charlotte', Mary Berry's companion on this outing, could refer to either Lady Charlotte Lindsay or Lady Charlotte Bury (previously Campbell). Lady Charlotte Lindsay (d. 1849) became Mary Berry's closest friend in later years.

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Fri, 23 Nov 2018 15:54:40 +0000
Approved on Tue, 04 Dec 2018 11:50:22 +0000