Guests at Chapel House Inn et al. in Chapel House Inn gardens, Chipping Norton - 6 July, 1785
from A Ride Taken in 1785, page 220:
The town of Chipping-Norton stands airily, and chearfully; but all the inns are eclipsed by that of Chapel House, which is quite a principality; and surrounded by gardens and other embellishments […]
Here we came at ½ past six o’clock; after tea we endeavour’d to play at bowls in the garden: and laugh’d at the crouded fantastic follies of a Ranelagh, or a Vauxhall; whilst Mr R[eynolds]. played on his flute, to the delight of the house company, who came forth to hear his melody; to which eccho, likewise gave her … more >>
John Byng, A Ride Taken in 1785. In C. Bruyn Andrews (ed.), The Torrington Diaries Containing the Tours Throughout England and Wales of the Hon. John Byng (Later Fifth Viscount Torrington) Between the Years 1781 and 1794, volume 1 (London, 1934), p. 220. accessed: 13 January, 2025
Listening to
hide composersflute-playing | performed by Robert Reynolds |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 6 July, 1785 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, outdoors, in public |
All spelling and punctuation copied from the original source.