Henry Croswell et al. in The Church of the Good Shepherd, Paddington Street, Marylebone, London - 8 March, 1885, 07:00 PM

from Transcript of the diaries of Henry Croswell, page 426:

Everything intensely Anglican. 

Everything perfectly done.

O[rgan]. – Nice, small, correct.

H[ymns]. – Mr. Aitken's collection.

C[hoir]. – Large and dirty surpliced.  Cassocks.  All nice Cathedral singing.  

Nearly 500 there, many poor.  […]  An extra number because of a "Mission".

S[ermon]. – Didn't stop.  The door-minder said I missed a treat by leaving.

cite as

Henry Croswell, Transcript of the diaries of Henry Croswell. In British Library, number 000826807, C.194.c.113 , p. 426. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1553511083464 accessed: 4 March, 2025 (By permission of the British Library.)

location of experience: The Church of the Good Shepherd, Paddington Street, Marylebone, London


Henry Croswell
assurance clerk, Sunday School teacher

Listening to

hide composers
hymns selected from Aitken's hymnal performed by the choir and organist of the Church of the Good Shepherd Paddington Street
Anglican church music performed by the choir and organist of the Church of the Good Shepherd Paddington Street

Experience Information

Date/Time 8 March, 1885, 07:00 PM
Duration 45 minutes
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


Henry Croswell (1840–93) kept a record of his visits to churches in London over a period of more than twelve years (1872–85). He made methodical notes about the number of clergy, the churchmanship, the congregation, the sermon and the church architecture, as well as commenting on the music that he heard (the organ, the hymns and the choir). The above listening experience has been extracted from one of these records. Although Croswell does not specify the name of the hymnal, it is likely that he was referring to ‘Hymns for a Parochial Mission’, compiled by Rev. William Hay Macdowall Hunter Aitken. The British Library holds editions dating from c. 1875 and later.

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Mon, 25 Mar 2019 10:51:24 +0000
Approved on Mon, 22 Jul 2019 10:02:46 +0100