Alfred Deahl in cinemas in Southampton - between 1920 and 1929

from Interview with Alfred Deahl:

[Alfred Deahl recalls music-making in the silent cinema]


AD:  [Y]ou always had a trio.  You always had piano, cello and violin.  You generally had that.  […] [T]here was only a relief pianist would come on for the light comedies …   more >>

cite as

Interview with Alfred Deahl. In Private family collection. accessed: 10 March, 2025 (Original audio cassette in private family collection, used by permission of Alfred Deahl's daughter, Dr Paula James.)

location of experience: cinemas in Southampton


Alfred Deahl
engineering draughtsman, shipbuilding draughtsman, Violinist

Listening to

hide composers
music to accompany 'Ben Hur' performed by an orchestra led by Alfred Deahl
music to accompany silent film performed by Alfred Deahl and others
Overture to 'Rienzi'
written by Richard Wagner
performed by an orchestra led by Alfred Deahl

Experience Information

Date/Time between 1920 and 1929
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


Paula James interviewed her father, Alfred Deahl, on 3 July 1994. She encouraged him to reminisce about his childhood visits to Southampton music halls and theatres, and his work as a young man playing the violin for Southampton theatres and silent cinema, and on board cruise ships. The above listening experience has been transcribed from the audio recording. A brief history of the Palladium Cinema can be found at

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 15:24:59 +0100
Approved on Fri, 24 Jul 2020 15:22:52 +0100