Moses Heap in Lumb, Rossendale, Lancashire - 8 February, 1879

from My Life and Times, or An Old Man's Memories, page 53:

A Jubilee tea-party and re-union of old teachers and scholars was held at Lumb on Saturday, February 8, 1879, being a scholar when a boy, I received an invitation. After tea a meeting was held, at which old tunes were sung and several speeches were made.  It was wonderful to see so many old faces, with friendly greetings, and was very affecting. When at last “Old Lang Syne” was sung, the majority of the audience fairly broke down in tears, thinking of the long-past days.

cite as

Moses Heap, My Life and Times, or An Old Man's Memories. In Rossendale Collection, Rawtenstall Public Libraries, 1961, number RC 942 ROS, p. 53. accessed: 12 February, 2025

location of experience: Lumb, Rossendale, Lancashire


Moses Heap
millworker, yeast dealer

Listening to

hide composers
'Old Lang Syne'
written by Robert Burns
performed by guests at a school reunion

Experience Information

Date/Time 8 February, 1879
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Fri, 15 Jul 2022 11:19:34 +0100
Approved on Thu, 21 Jul 2022 11:46:14 +0100