Robert Anderson et al. in Vauxhall Gardens, London - 1794

from Memoir of the Author, written by himself, pages xxiv–xxvi:

In the year 1794, being at Vauxhall Gardens for the first time, I happened luckily to fall in with a pleasant youth, whose appearance was truly respectable.  We felt equally disgusted with many of the songs, written in a mock pastoral Scottish style and supposing myself capable of producing what might by the public be considered equal, or perhaps superior, on the following day I wrote four, viz: “Lucy Gray of Allendale,” “I sigh for the Girl I adore,” “The lovely brown Maid,” and “Ellen and I.”  “Lucy …   more >>

cite as

Robert Anderson, Memoir of the Author, written by himself. In The Poetical Works of Robert Anderson, volume 1 (Carlisle, 1820), p. xxiv–xxvi. accessed: 7 December, 2024

location of experience: Vauxhall Gardens, London


Robert Anderson
calico printer, pattern drawer, Poet

Listening to

hide composers
'I sigh for the girl I adore'
written by Robert Anderson (lyrics), James Hook
performed by Master Phelps
'The lovely brown maid'
written by Robert Anderson (lyrics), James Hook
performed by Master Phelps
unspecified songs in mock Scottish pastoral style
'Ellen and I'
written by Robert Anderson (lyrics), James Hook
performed by Master Phelps
'Lucy Gray of Allendale'
written by Robert Anderson (lyrics), James Hook
performed by Master Phelps

Experience Information

Date/Time 1794
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, outdoors, in public

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Fri, 22 Jul 2022 11:53:28 +0100
Approved on Thu, 18 Aug 2022 14:26:45 +0100