New Lanark school children in New Lanark - early 19th Century
from An Outline of the System of Education at New Lanark, pages 69-70:
All the children above five or six years of age are taught singing, sometimes by the ear, sometimes by the notes. They begin by learning the names and sounds of the notes, and by singing the gamut; then proceed to strike the distances, and finally acquire such a knowledge of the elements of the science of music, as they may easily reduce to practice. The musical notes and signs, as well as a variety of musical exercises, are represented on a large scale, on a rolled canvass.... A small selection of simple airs is made, for the school, every three months. The words to … more >>
Robert Dale Owen, An Outline of the System of Education at New Lanark (Glasgow, 1824), p. 69-70. accessed: 9 March, 2025
Listening to
hide composerssongs | performed by New Lanark school children |
national airs | performed by New Lanark school children |
Experience Information
Date/Time | early 19th Century |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in public |